Chapter 26

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Present Time: October 2003 / Draco's Time: April 2004

Theo Nott

Theo spotted Hermione and Daphne soon after he entered the main ballroom at Malfoy Manor. They were standing apart from the rest of the crowd, but it wasn't clear if they were initiating the distance or if it was caused by everyone around them - though Theo had a guess.

These Purebloods were fucking ridiculous. Hermione was one of the best people he'd ever met and these idiots would never know it since they refused to look past her "inferior" blood status.

Theo had always secretly admired Hermione's intellect and unwavering bravery in school, but it wasn't until the night she made them play that stupid drinking game that he fell in love with her. (In a platonic way, of course. He was still gay, after all).

She'd pulled him aside that night and said, "You look like you need a hug."

He'd told her to sod off, but she'd ignored him. "I know it's hard to open up and I apologize for forcing you into it with the game, but, well, I was just trying to help. And I think it's good to see that you're not the only one struggling to move past the war. Like your round when you said you haven't gotten over the nightmares – now you know you're not the only one."

Theo had stayed quiet, unsure what she was expecting him to say to that. "So, I'm going to hug you now." When Theo didn't protest, she did it. It was awkward, but sort of nice, too. Though Theo didn't admit that to her.

But more than her words and short hug, which were shockingly kind from someone he'd been mean to in school, was the way she'd looked at him like she actually saw him. And that was all it took to get him to love her. Some caring words, a brief hug, and eye contact. How pathetic was he?

After that night, it was clear to Theo why Draco had thrown away everything he'd been raised to believe to be with Hermione, though Theo still had his doubts about them as a couple. They refused to properly explain how they'd gotten together, and Theo hadn't forgotten the injury she'd tried to hide from him a few months ago.

He'd seen her unmistakable limp and the flash of fear on her face when he'd asked if Draco had hurt her. And he'd received enough Stinging Jinxes from Draco over the years to recognize his work. It was one of his signature spells. But why the hell had he hexed Hermione? He usually seemed so protective of her.

Draco didn't deserve her and even Draco knew that, he'd said it himself. But for some reason, he was the wizard she wanted, and in Theo's opinion, she deserved to have whoever she wanted. So Theo was okay with the two of them, mostly, though he still watched them carefully.

And every so often, he'd catch a glimpse of something in her eye when she looked at Draco. Like a flash of worry, or doubt. But so far there wasn't anything worth acting on, not yet.

Theo looked around for Draco when he noticed he wasn't with the girls. It wasn't like him to leave Hermione alone, especially in hostile territory like this. Once Theo reached them, Hermione beamed, but her expression switched quickly to one of concern. "Has Draco found you yet?"

"Hello to you too," he replied bitterly.

"Right, hello," she said with a smile before repeating her original question. "Has Draco found you?"

Theo shrugged, then his eye caught a familiar face at the other end of the ballroom. Shit, it was that sandy-haired bloke he'd snogged ages ago at the Green Dragon. He never expected to see him again, but if he was here...was he a Pureblood? Had he recognized Theo? Had he told anyone?

The bloke was in a group with some older Slytherins as well as Astoria and her new husband. Shit, this was not good. Theo wasn't extremely well known, but as the sole heir of one of the more prestigious families, he also wasn't unknown. And this bloke could cause a lot of trouble for him if he wanted to.

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