Theo still looked concerned and she saw he was about to say something else when Blaise entered the room. Theo dropped his smile and went back to looking like his bored, indifferent self.

"Oh, if it isn't my favorite Gryffindor!"

"Hi, Blaise," Hermione said quickly before turning back to her books.

He came to her side and leaned against the bookshelf, watching her. "What is it?" she asked, a little annoyed.

"You don't like me."

Hermione saw Theo roll his eyes and she winked at him. "I like you just fine, Blaise."

"Where's your other half?"

Hermione shrugged. "I don't know. We are capable of being apart. We were apart for twenty-two years before we got together. But if you're worried about us, I can assure you everything is fine. We have dinner plans tonight."

Blaise straightened and began looking through the books on the table. "I like your snarkiness, Granger. It's improved vastly in just the few short weeks we've been friends. Where are you going for dinner?"

"The Wilted Rose," she replied absently as she scanned the books again and dropped one of them into her bag.

"Has Draco told you about the time he shagged a random slag in the bathroom of that restaurant?"

Hermione froze and saw Theo shift uncomfortably out of her periphery. She glared at Blaise. Luckily, she had already had the conversation with Draco about the people they'd been with in the past. Her number was very small - one: Ron. Draco's was a little larger: five, but not so bad. He'd been with Pansy and Daphne in school, and he'd obviously been with Astoria. And shortly after the war, following a nasty break-up with Pansy, he said he'd tried Blaise's lifestyle. He said after just two weeks (and sex with two random witches whose names he'd forgotten) he'd realized it wasn't for him and given it up.

She steeled herself, then turned to face Blaise, remembering Draco's advice about how best deal with him.

"Actually, yes. But if you're wondering if there will be a repeat performance tonight, I can assure you there will not be. And if you're also wondering if I've ever shagged in public, I am not ashamed that my answer to that is no. I've been able to enjoy a satisfying sex life in the privacy of my own home."

Blaise was astonished by her response and she took a second to enjoy his reaction. Theo was smiling widely and when she looked over at him, he winked at her. Blaise tried to regain control of the situation. "Care to elaborate about this satisfying sex life?"

"Why, looking for pointers?" she asked and Theo snorted. "Because if you are, it would be easier to appeal to Draco directly for advice. Cut out the middleman."

Blaise was shocked and finally at a loss for words. Hermione selected her last two books quickly and dropped them in her bag before excusing herself. She stopped in the hall when she heard Theo's voice. "The look on your face is priceless. I wish I had a camera."

"You know, I wasn't sure about her at first, but she's growing on me," Blaise responded.

Hermione smiled to herself and couldn't wait to tell Draco about it over dinner.

Draco Malfoy

A week later, Potter stepped out of the Floo while Draco was working on his investment charts at the dining room table. "No knocking this time, Potter?" Draco asked in a bored tone, though he was actually curious as to why Potter was here in the middle of a work day.

"I only do that to avoid catching you two snogging, but I know Hermione's at work," Potter explained in a rush. "I need a favor."

Draco raised his eyebrows and put his quill down, then he propped his legs on the chair, leaned back, and crossed his arms. "Okay, Potter, what is it?"

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