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Luz looked at Amity with a blank expression. "Die? Wh- what??"

Amity rubbed her temples lightly, thinking of a way to explain everything without making Luz freak out. 'Might be a little too late for that huh.." Amity thought quietly to herself.

'... fuck it.'

Amity looked directly into Luz's eyes and paused for a few seconds before speaking. "Friday October 16th. Today. You will die. I know it makes no sense, but you have to trust me, I don't know why your day has been wack or why those guys have been picking on you but I guess I know why you've been getting Déjà vu. Because of me. Repeating days trying to save you."

Luz stared blankly at the girl standing in front of her. She has such a serious look on her face that Luz almost thought that she might be serious. Almost.

After a few moments pass, Luz bursts out laughing. A red blush quickly flushes across Amity's face. "W-what're you laughing at?!"

All Luz could do was laugh and gasp for air until after what seemed like the longest minute Amity has ever lived through passed. The Latina gasped for breath between words.

"The day.. I die?? You've gotta be kidding!! I knew something was up but repeating days? C'mon, Blight you can give a better fake explanation than that!"

Amity's face was bright red for embarrassment, not decreasing anytime soon. "This was stupid! I shouldn't have told you of course you wouldn't believe me you don't know me off fucks sake!" She started to pace back and forth, thinking of any way she could fix this. She can't take it back now but maybe she can make it a little more believable??

Luz wipes tears from laughing off her eyes once she calms down a bit. Amity, after waiting patiently for her to do so, takes a deep breath in before sighing even heavier.

Amity opens her mouth to speak before getting interrupted instantly. "This has to be some prank you and Willow's pulling on me. Is Boscha involved? I'm not close with her but I know Willow and her are dating so she must be involved-"

Amity 'kindly' returns the interruption with a stern voice. "Luz."

She paused her rant instantly and looked at Amity with a blank stare, dropping her arms from waving around while ranting down to her sides, waiting for her to continue. To be honest, the stern voice sorta scared her. Made her a little nervous.

Amity calms down a bit and continues with a lighter tone, though it was obvious her words dripped in annoyance. "Look, I know it's hard to believe but just trust me ok? Don't go to the party. Don't go out, don't do anything stupid, just stay at home." Amity's eyes never left Luz's as she spoke. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she stood up straight to show the girl in front of her that what she was saying was all but a joke.

The room grew silent quickly. Suddenly, a loud meow was heard, followed by a small white cat walking into the living room. Before Amity knew it, Luz gasped, was on the ground, and completely forgot about the very important conversation that had just been interrupted by Amity's cat Ghost.

She stared at the same girl she'd been trying so hard to save, the same girl that she had watched jump off the edge of a bridge twice, fawn over her cat.

"OH MY GOD WHATS ITS NAME?? ARE THEY A BOY OR A GIRL- HOW IS ITS FUR SO SOFT HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD IT- CAN I HAVE IT PLEASEEEE?!?!?!?!?" Luz picked up Ghost from under her shoulder blades and held her up to Amity in excitement.

"Ghost, girl, she's naturally soft, I've had her since I was 14, and no. You can't have her. Anymore questions?" Amity answered quickly, that last part with sarcasm before she looked at Luz with that same, stern face to remind her of the conversation they were having.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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