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Almost immediately, Amity woke back up in her bed, tears flowing down her cheeks. "NO!! God dang it!!!" Amity cried. She jumped as, once again, her alarm clock blasted it's annoying wake up call. After shutting it off, she quickly grabbed her phone, unlocking it, and looking at the date.

Friday October 16th.

"I get another chance?" Amity mumbled through tears, which weren't pouring out as hard. She wiped her eyes and got up again, going over to her bathroom. She took a quick shower, going through everything once again. This time, she decided to go straight to school instead of to the coffee shop.

She was walking down the sidewalk once again when she passed the coffee shop. When she looked in, however, there was no sign of Luz. She just guessed she was too early. She walked some more, cold breeze flowing through her hair.

She was a few blocks away from the bridge, yet, she could already feel the dizziness that overtook her when she was walking with Luz her previous chance.

It was only at that moment when Amity recalled everything that had happened. This time around, Luz had jumped because of her. She didn't kiss back and Luz got mad at her own actions.

Amity brought her hand up to her lips, a sad expression on her face.

But she wanted to.

She wanted to kiss back but Luz didn't give her a chance.

After a few minutes she reached the bridge. This time, looking off the edge, was Luz. She had her arms resting on the edge, leaning against it. She looked like she was in deep thought, which Amity was slightly confused about.

Curious, she walked up to her. Luz didn't look away from the River as Amity moved next to her. Amity grabbed that very edge, looking at it, her expression sorrowful. Without moving a mussel, Luz greeted her.


"Hello." Amity replied. Neither of them looked away from the River until Luz spoke up again. "Do I know you?" She asked, glancing at the girl next to her.

"No, but I know you..." Amity replied. A silence fell between the two and Luz looked back to the water. After about a minute of silence, Luz spoke up again.

"Today has been weird. I don't know what it is, but something about this morning feels.. familiar. Like, déjà vu or something. Y'know?"

Amity turned to look at Luz, a little surprised. Before Amity could reply, she continued.

"I don't know why I'm telling you about this. I just met you 20 seconds ago. I don't know but you also feel sorta familiar..." Luz looked at Amity, this time sitting straight up instead of leaning against the railing. "What's your name?"

"Amity Blight." Amity made eye contact with Luz for a bit until Luz mumbled under her breath, then replied with "I have to go..." and ran off before Amity could reply.


When Amity arrived at school, Luz was nowhere to be found, which worried Amity. She even used her free hour to look for the girl. When her last hour rolled around, she didn't go. She decided to go home and think of a plan to save Luz.

Eventually, while she was on her bed, her phone started ringing. When she picked it up, the name 'Boscha' appeared across the screen. She unlocked it bringing it to her ear, only to pull it away as soon as Boscha loudly spoke up.

"Amity! Where are you? Are you alright!? Why weren't you at class!?"

"I'm alright. I just skipped the last class, that's all."

"What happened? You never skip class! You've never skipped a class in your life, Blight!"

Amity sighed. "And I still haven't..." she whispered to herself, quiet enough to where Boscha couldn't hear.

"Yes, I'm fine, Bosch, I swear." Amity grumbled. Suddenly, she heard a knock downstairs on her door. Confused, she slowly got up, making her way to her open bedroom door. "Boscha.. did you come to my house?" She asked her.

"Uh no. Why? Is someone there?"

"Yeah. Someone's knocking on the door of my apartment." Amity replied. Just before Boscha could reply, Amity hung up. She walked to her front door, looking through the peephole. (thing)

There, standing at the door with her hands in her hoodie pockets, looking off to the side awkwardly, stood Luz. She was slouched over gazing off into the distance as if she'd been waiting there for hours. Only one thought ran through Amity's head when she saw the way her friend was standing along with how her hair flowed as the wind blew through it.


A blush covered Amity's face as she watched the Latino through the door. After a few more seconds, Luz furrowed her eyebrows together and looked back at the door, knocking on it. As soon as she did, it snapped Amity out of the trance she was in. She quickly opened the door. Luz was caught off guard and jumped slightly as the door flew open.

"Yes!" Amity squeaked, standing stiff. "Oh uh. Willow gave me your address. I need to talk to you." Amity was surprised and confused by the random visit from her 'friend' (?). "Oh well then, come in." Amity stepped out of the way so Luz could walk in. When she did, she looked around. Amity felt a little uncomfortable since her apartment was pretty messy.

Luz turned to Amity and smiled. "Sorry for randomly showing up." Amity was quick to respond. "Don't worry about it. Sorry for the mess by the way." Luz turned to face Amity, her hands still in her hoodie pocket. "No it's fine. I've seen worse. So uh, about what I want to talk about." Amity stiffened slightly and walked over to the couch. "Yeah. What is it?" She asked, taking a seat and patting the spot next to her. Luz walked over and sat at the place she was patting and continued talking.

"Ok I don't know why but ever since I walked away from you at the bridge, my whole day has gone to shit. Some random person spilt their coffee on me, these guys won't leave me alone and I've been having trouble paying attention to anything that's happening around me. I feel like it has something to do with you." Luz looked over to see Amity had a blank expression.

She didn't know what to say. Yes? No? Her head started to spin. Maybe trying to save Luz was a bad idea.

'No. She doesn't deserve to die. I will save her.'

Luz kept staring at Amity, waiting for a response. Amity turned to face Luz with an expression filled with guilt. This confused Luz even more but before she could ask why, Amity stood up. "I'm not sure yet but one thing I am sure of is that you need to stay here. Or at least go home. Boscha is throwing a party tonight, have you heard?" Amity asked, looking over her shoulder to see Luz standing up also.

"Yeah I've heard from Willow. What about it?" Amity faced Luz as she thought silently to herself.

'The first time Luz jumped off the bridge it was because of those four boys, the second was because of me. Who knows what's going to happen tonight so I need to be prepared for anything that would force her to jump.'

"Nothing good is going to come from that party. I'm going to try to explain but it will be confusing. And if all goes to plan, I won't have to explain again. If everything goes how it needs to, you'll stay alive." Luz was more confused now than she was when she first arrived. Explain again? Staying alive?

Amity started walking over to a table where she had set her phone. She grabbed it, unlocking it, then showed it to Luz. "Friday October 16th." Luz was even more confused than before. "Uh the date? What's so important about the date?"

"It's the day you die, Luz."

A/N: I hate how short i make my chapters im sorry ;-; I'll try to make the next chapter longer. But hey Luz didn't die at the end of this one :) ok well i hope you all had a Happy Valentine's Day! Also sorry again for taking forever to update :/ I'll try to do it more often again.

ıllı╚»R1v3r 0f th3 Lo0p«╝ıllı~ Short Lumity AU FanficKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat