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Amity looked up to the bridge. There stood a human figure, standing on the edge. That's when she noticed. It was the Latina from earlier thay day.

"No…" Was all Amity could let out. She stood frozen as she watched the figure. 

"No!!" Amity yelled. She didn't know what to do. She stood there, Unable to move.

"Save her." 

Before she could even think, she ran. She fas as fast as she could to the edge. She reached her hand out, hoping to grasp anything that resembled a human or their clothing. 

Once she reached the edge, her heart sank.

She missed

She watched as the emotionless body fell into the cold, dark river. Tears fell from her face, hitting the ground like bullets.

She fell onto her hands and knees, trembling. "Damn it!! I-i missed! I-im u-usless… i-i co-ouldnt sa-ave h-her…" She choked on her words, trying to speak to no one but herself.

"No. It's not over. You can save her, if you think she is worth saving."

"Y-yes!! A-anyone i-is wor-rth s-saving…" she struggled as more tears fell, soaking the ground below her.

"Very well…"

Darkness surrounded her as she felt pain throughout her entire body. She couldn't move for the fear she might die from the pain. She couldn't scream out for help. It was all darkness. Darkness and pain.

Slowly, the pain started to subside as light filled her vision. The pain eased and she started to feel the items around her. 

Once the pain was gone, she fluttered her eyes open. She looked around her. She was laying in her bed. She groaned as she tried sitting up.

As soon as she woke, an alarm started blaring. The sudden noise startled the girl, but she quickly shut off the alarm, hopping off the bed. 

"What happened? Why am I here?? Hello, voice?" Amity spoke out loud, now awake, with no response following. Amity looked down at her hands, then she reached over to her phone, unlocking it. 

She was about to text Boscha when something caught her attention.

The date

Friday October 16th.

"What? That can't be? That was yesterday!" Amity quickly took a shower, doing her daily routine, then quickly ran out of the door of her apartment. Running out to the street, she took a look around. 

She walked down the same path she did the previous day, or was it the previous day?

Amity quickly entered the small coffee shop she did 'yesterday.' She quickly ordered the same thing she had before, sitting in the same spot.

Mentally, she was freaking out. She didn't know what to do other than what she did the first time. Then an idea came to mind.

"That weird voice said this is a second chance to save that girl, right? I'm pretty sure I saw her here. I can talk to her and see if I can keep her from… doing.. that." 

Just then, she heard the bell. Amity quickly looked to her side, seeing the one and only Latina that had started it all. Amity decided to wait and let them order first, then ask them. 

Amity watched as the girl ordered, then sat at the same table as before. She quickly got up and walked over to her, tapping her shoulder.

The girl looked up at her surprised, then smiled. "Hello! Can I help you?" 

ıllı╚»R1v3r 0f th3 Lo0p«╝ıllı~ Short Lumity AU FanficWhere stories live. Discover now