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"So, how has it been?" Lucy asked Sweetie. She just came back from a week-long holiday with Chase.

"Well, it was wonderful Lucy." She told her. But unknowingly to Lucy, something really happened on the holiday.

"Well, that's it? I thought you would say more to be honest." She looked at Sweetie. Sweetie just smiled.

"And what if I don't want to? You are gonna make me?" Sweetie giggled and ran away. Lucy got up and ran after her. About a while, Sweetie started gasping for air. 

"Sweetie, you were much more fit last time," Lucy said. Sweetie, even though she would eat like an elephant, had a perfect shape and stayed fit. But now, she couldn't run even to the garden.

"Yeah, I know why," Sweetie said. Lucy came to her and carefully picked her up.

"Come on, did Chase do something to you?" "Well, yes, but in a really good way." Sweetie smiled. Lucy was looking at her confused.

"You don't get it, right?" Sweetie said, looking at her. She shook her head.

"Well, just wanna say that I'll have much less time now for my princess duties," Sweetie exclaimed. She jumped out of Lucy's hand and walked inside. Lucy was standing there, speechless, thinking about what her pup meant about not having time. Then it hit her. She ran after Sweetie.

"And does Chase know?" "Well, I found out just last night, so no. But I really hope he will be happy." Sweetie said. Lucy smiled at her and patted her.

"I'm sure he will be happy. After all, you've been through with him, I doubt he would say something bad about it." Lucy said, hinting at what happened to them.

"Skye, you don't understand," Chase said calmly at Skye, who was cursing him. 

"And you don't understand, that she won't stay with you if she learns that you can't have pups with her!" Skye shouted at him. The whole Paw Patrol was watching them, from behind the bushes.

"And what if I told you she knows? She knows what happened to me and who did it!" Chase gave up and started shouting at her. This made Skye calm down and crouch.

"So don't play it here like it's nothing. Skye, it's something, something that you've done. And it will be here forever." And with that, Chase left to wake up Sweetie, who was in his room, sleeping. Skye just sat there. Then, she felt a paw touch her. She turned around and saw Everest.

"Look Skye, you've done really bad things. But when Chase offered to still be friends with him, why did you start acting like this? You could get it in your head that he is with someone else, and he will not forget about what you've done." Everest said to Skye. She was beside her from the time they met, but Everest was the good one. She loved Skye as her sister, but enough is enough. 

"I could forgive you if you change."

Skye heard. She lifted her head up and saw Sweetie. 

"What? After all, I've done, you want me to change?" Skye said, crying.

"You know, one pup told me that if I change, he will be friends with me. And that happened and now I'm happier than ever." She motioned at Chase, who was walking to them, "And I wanna repay everything that I've ever done to everyone." She finished and opened her arms for Skye. But Skye still being Skye, spit on her face and ran away.

"Well, there are some that will never change," Everest said and hugged Sweetie.

"Yeah, you are right. Anyway, he is coming here." Sweetie said. Lucy was not expecting this.

"Well, I wanna know what he says. After all, I'm the g-" They both looked at the door which was opening. There stood Chase. Sweetie ran to him and hugged him.

"I missed you so much, my Sweetie." He said and hugged her too. He then saw the princess, broke the hug, and bowed to her. She giggled and sat down with him. 

"Chase, we are now family. You don't need to treat me differently. And call me Lucy, please." She patted his head. Chase nodded. Sweetie winked at Lucy and she went away.

"Chase, how much do you love me?" Sweetie asked him. He kissed her.

"The most I can." He said, smiling. She hugged him and rub his crotch.

"W-What a-are y-you d-doing?" He asked, surprised at what she was doing. She got up and bowed to him.

"What?" "This is the tradition that exists, that princess needs to bow to her pup's father." She said. Chase sat there, eyes wide open, speechless. He couldn't believe his eyes. 

"Yes Chase, you are going to be a father." She said and smiled at him. He moved to her and hugged her tightly. She smiled and they kissed. He finally was the happiest pup that could ever exist.

Prologue!!! Yoohoo

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