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Sweetie's POV:

"Sweetie, it hurts me to see you cry," Lucy said to me. She still had me in her arms from when we got into the car. Every time I tried to tell her what happened, I would just start crying heavily again. I was like this for the entire ride, till I fell asleep.

Bzzzz, Bzzzz.

I opened my eyes and saw that I'm in a room. Was it all just a dream? I got up and saw that I'm in Lucy's room and she was still asleep. I shut down the alarm, jumped off, and walked to the mirror. Oh my god. I looked horrible. My fur was strangled, somewhere even tied. My face was full of dried tears. My eyes were red. I sighed. Why must it hurt this much? 

"Sweetie, will you please tell me what happened?"

I heard from behind. Lucy was awake and looking at me. I walked to her, and she picked me up and placed me next to her on the bed.

"Spill it." She said. I took a deep breath.

"As you were leaving, I started doing something. But then saw Chase laying all by himself, so I went to him to try to talk to him. The whole day he was distancing himself from me, and I don't know why. Anyway, I went over to him, but when I tried to nuzzle him, he got up and ran away." I said in one breath. Lucy was speechless. But she hugged me.

"So it was Chase's reason. Aww, Sweetie, it will be okay. Try to think positively today, it's Christmas!" She exclaimed. I smiled and licked her cheek. I jumped down from the bed, and went to my room. As I got there, I noticed Busby wasn't there. Oh no. I searched for it, but no luck. 

I sure hope no one has it. 

Chase's POV:

I was still cleaning the mess that was in front of the town hall. It was my punishment, because of what I did. But it wasn't my fault! I didn't even know Sweetie was crying. I sighed, grabbed another bag with rubbish, and walked with it to the bin. When I put it inside, I saw something green, flashing. I walked over to it and saw it. It was a squeaky toy. Busby? I looked at it in more detail and it sure was Sweetie's toy, Busby. She would never go without you. I grabbed it and put it inside my pup pack. 

People, that were walking by, were giving me stares. The word has spread across the whole town, and everyone knew what happened. I looked at the place that I cleaned. Rocky would be proud. I smiled and went to my truck. But something was holding me to go to the lookout. I know where I'll go. I started the engine and drove away to a particular place.

Jake's mountain.

I knocked on the door, hoping that someone would answer. I was looking around as I saw people finishing skiing and going back to town because it was getting darker and darker. Then, the doors opened, and in them, was Everest.

"Hey, Chase." She said, not so happy to see me. 

"Hi Everest, can I go in?" She shook her head.

"No, Jake is really mad at you, as the whole town. But we can stay outside." She said and closed the door behind her. We started walking through the forest.

"So, tell me, what really happened. And even with Marshall." She asked me. 

"Well, I don't know. She came to me, and when she touched me I freaked out and ran away. And I ran to ask Marshall for advice." I said. She was looking at me in disbelief. 

"So, she just touched you?" I nodded, "wow, I thought that she would tell you." I looked at her. We arrived at the end of the forest, at a small firepit with a view of Adventure Bay.

"Tell me what?" "Well, when we had the break when I was 'leaving', I had a small talk with her. And she asked me if you love someone. So I said that not someone she knows. Then I walked away. I thought that she would go and ask you." She said. I couldn't believe it. So I was the problem. 

"But Chase, do you actually love her?" She snapped me from my thinking. I nodded. "So then, why have you freaked out?" She asked. Do I trust her? I sighed and took a deep breath.

"Some years ago, before you joined us, me and Skye secretly dated. Yes, it was a thing. One day, she came to me and grabbed me forcefully to a room on the lookout. I didn't know what she wanted. So I tried to leave, but she kept grabbing me back. Then, she just started rubbing her bottom on my crotch. I knew what she tried to do. I pushed her away and got back on my legs. She was angry and kicked me in the crotch. Very hard." I spilled the truth. I was insecure about this stuff, even in front of Marshall or Ryder. No one besides them knew what happened, "Then, Ryder came in, and drove me to Katie's to check on me. She said I was lucky that I survived the impact." She hugged me. I guess she knows now. "So that's why I'm so nervous when it comes to love." I finished with tears in my eyes.

"And, you, now you can't...?" She asked me. 

"Well, no one knows. Katie said probably, but a small chance. But who cares, I'll never have a mate, like you, or Rocky has." I said. She was speechless. I stood up from the ground.

"I'll go now. Good night Everest." I waved at the speechless husky and ran back to the cabin. I drove back to the lookout to see everyone sleeping. I parked my truck, and laid back to my pup house.

Is it even worth trying to love someone? 

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