A talk with the master and retro mutagen

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At mystery mountain, An Yu was meditating to try to calm her mind.

An Yu: inner peace, inner peace. As she started to calm down but something taped her shoulder.

An Yu: huh? Who's there? As she looked around but no one was there.

An Yu: strange. As she went back to meditating but something taped her again.

An Yu: who's there? Munki-gu is that you? As she walked around the pagoda trying to find the reason.

???: you are a complete fool.

An Yu: say that again, I dare you. As she was ready to fight.

???: I said...

Just then a rat ghost appeared in front of An Yu.

Splinter: you are a complete fool!

An Yu: ahh! A rat ghost!

Splinter: hush! I am splinter, the sensei of my sons.

An Yu: your splinter? I thought you were another turtle.

Splinter: don't judge ninjitsu masters appearances!

An Yu: well I...

Splinter: and I heard you saying that I'm horrible at being nice to people!

An Yu: uh...

Splinter: and my sons are not worthy! What kind a dragon master are you?!

An Yu: well excuse me for trying to save the mountain!

Splinter: and let the world be in the hands of shredder!

An Yu: I've had enough of you! As she tried to attack splinter but he easily paralysed her.

Splinter: now listen closely, dragon. I am splinter, but my real name is hamato yoshi.

An Yu: hamato yoshi? The leader of the hamato clan?

Splinter: ah, you've heard of me.

An Yu: you were a legend! The one who burned you, oroku saki.

Splinter: shredder IS oroku saki!

An Yu: WHAT?!?!?!

Splinter: and I escaped the fire, I was mutated into a rat with my sons. They were originally normal baby turtles, I lived for so long, until shredder killed me.

An Yu: you were alive?

Splinter: I was. But you should be ashamed of yourself, you let my sons get taken.

An Yu: yoshi, I'm so sorry. What should I do?

Splinter: remember the paper Donatello gave you?

An Yu: yes. As she pulled out the paper.

Splinter: that's the recipe for retro mutagen, it will turn mutants back to normal.

An Yu: it can? *pulls out the canister* so this is why they need this?

Splinter: since they were taken, YOU will have to make it.

An Yu: me?! But I can't. I don't do technology! But I know who does.

Splinter: good luck,!An Yu. As he vanished.

An Yu: time to be a hero!

At the pj masks headquarters, pj robot was freaking out.

An Yu: pj robot, I need your help.

Pj robot: *beeps* (An Yu? Your okay.)

An Yu: I sure am, I need your help with this. As she showed pj robot the mutagen.

An Yu: I need you to make it do the opposite. As she gave pj robot the recipe.

Pj robot: *beeps* (okay, you can count on me.) as he went to reverse the mushroom.

An Yu: don't worry guys, I'm coming for you.

1 hour later.

Pj robot: *beeps* (done!) as he gave An Yu the retro mutagen.

An Yu: great! But how am I going to turn them back at once?

Splinter: I believe I can help with that.

An Yu: hamato yoshi!

Splinter: there's a giant tank of mutagen in the technodrome. Use the retro mutagen to reverse it all, and splash it all the mutants. Got it?

An Yu: yes.

Splinter: very well. As he vanished.

Pj robot: *beeps* (what just happened?)

An Yu: no time. I need a ride.

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