Light, Honey and Hardcore Reality!

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When I woke up again, I could still feel the warmth around me. However I was definitelly in a dark room once again and I knew that it was all the same. Like same same but different. This was warm so it wasn't the pit I was in but a room and it was nice and warm in here too. I was laying on the ground?

It felt soft so it wasn't really the ground but a bed. Oh how I missed laying on a bad. Still everything came down to me and the fact that I was in the dark still remain.

All of the sudden I could hear some clothing rusteling and looking at my side, I could see someone in the dark. They seemed to be sleeping and knowing that I wasn't alone was reausing me that I wasn't in the pit anymore.

Once I decided to get out of the bed and have a look around I nearly fell over a person. Who would have thought that there was someone laying on the ground. Me certainly not!

Hero: Carefull little brother.

Before I could hit the ground, this person caught me, even if that meant that I fell on top of him. I was kinda bad with names so I completly forgot what he introduces himself to me or if his name was called out once again.

Me: Sorry.

Hero: It's okay Izu.

The moment he called me that some tears started to well up in my eyes. I couldn't hold back a sob anymore as I was still on the guy. He quickly hugged me and let me know that everything was all right. I could feel the sincerity coming from him.

Hero: Hey, it's okay. You are save now. 

It took us a good while until I stopped crying and we both sat there on the ground. I could see the person perfectly well in the dark like everything else.

Hero: Why are you up this late?

Me: Late?

Hero: Yeah.. It's 3 am.

Me: Sorry for waking you up.

Hero: It's ok and call me big bro.

Me: Big bro?

Hero: Ahhh how cute you are!

Me: .... 

Hero 2: How about letting my son or your brother go? He can't clearly breath Touya!

Me: ....

Hero 2: Sorry for that Izuku.

Me: ... izu...ku.... my *sob*

Touya: Just great old fart! I just managed to get him stop to cry.

Hero: Come here son. I am Enji Todoroki otherwise known as Endeavor. I am your new father kid.

Me: ... father?

Enji: Yes.

I was picked up from the ground with eas and my new father placed me back on the bad. This clearly was different then I expected. 

Me: *sob*

Enji: You must be hungry. It's not good to snack at night but I got a honey bagle and a jar filled with honey. You want some?

Me: Honey?

I peacked up at the thought of getting honey again. It was soo long that I actually at something else but bread that was old with just the right amount of honey to keep me living but you couldn't taste the honey at all and the bread was moldy too.

Enji: Here.

The hero went over to his bag and got me some honey and a honey bagle out. I didn't had to fight him as he gave me the thing to start eating and I could only start sobbing more as the sweet smell and taste came to me. Oh how I missed this. My wings made a slight surring sound as they flapped in happiness.

Touya: Aww he is soo cute!

Enji: Can't agree more.

Touya: Izu, you will need to stay here for a bit longer till you recover and then I'll introduce the family to you.

Me: what about my mother?

Enji: She... well...

Touya: She's died long ago. 

Enji: Damn son! Didn't I ever teach you some maners and how to interract with victims at all!

Touya: You wanna lie to him?

Enji: No but you could have said it better!

Me: *sob*... what happened? *sob*

I was devasted. I always knew something must have happened since no one ever came for me. It was the only logical thing that something like that happened. Although I knew for so long hearing it was another story. The fact that I didn't had any kind of family anymore make me break together in tears. There was really nothing for me anymore.

Enji: I am so sorry and I know it doesn't make it better but I am here for you.

He hugged me and made sure not to leave me be alone while I was crying and shaking in sadness and anxiety. The tought of being all alone again was just terrible for me.

Touya: I really should think more before I speak... I am sorry little bro.

Me: *Sob* I ...*sob* already thought *sob* that something like this happened.

Touya: ahm hey do you wanna see my quirk little fairy?

Me: Your quirk? *sob*

Touya: Yes! I can create blue falmes and our dad just normal ones.

Me: Cool *sob*

At this point it was clear to me that he wanted to distract me and I was also gladly taking that distraction then actually going back to the thought of being all alone in a dark palce. This warmth they were giving me not because of the actuall temperature but because of their attention was something I didn't want to give up. I was desperatly wanting it for so long now.

Enji: No Touya. He is still sensitive to ligh.

Touya: It will be okay.

Enji: No. He is my son too and if that means knocking you out before you do somehting stupid than so be it. Don't injure him any more. You heard the doctor. Slightly let him get used to the light.

Touya: .... he did say that.

While they were arguing I was sitting there still sobbing but I couldn't help but smile at the argument they were having. It just felt like a family and I didn't had one for ...well ages.

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