The Emerald Glare

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-Back in the waiting room.

Amber's point of view.

I greeted Amber as she walked back into the room. "That was awesome Eve. It was like you guys were ice skating." I told her.

"Thanks Amber." Eve replied.

"Amber Trick you're up." An official told me.

"Okay thank you." I told her.

"Good luck." Eve told me.

"Thanks." I said. "I'm going to need it." I mumbled.

-On the stage

Amber's point of view

I was on the stage, feeling very nervous. I then saw Selina walked up onto the stage.

"Hey Amber." She said smiling.

"H-Hi." I stuttered.

"You, okay?" She asked concerned.

"Y-Yeah." I said.

"Begin." Diana said.

I decided to use fire spin, but Selina was on me in seconds and used fake-out. When she slapped her paws together a shock wave sent me reeling back. I looked at the screen and saw I lost a good chunk of points.

When I looked back to Selina I saw her leaping at me using shadow claw. A ghostly purple claw enveloped her front left leg. I dove to the side and used hidden power. She landed right where I once was, quickly turned and cut right through the grey orb. "You're going to have do better than that Amber." Selina said.

I got mad and used fire spin, but I created a fire vortex like in my first battle. Selina was unsure of what to do. She jumped out of the way and then leaped forward at me, her front claws extended and purple. She cut through my fire vortex with her night slash.

As the embers of my vortex dispersed I took the opportunity to hit her with a close-range fire spin. Her eyes widen with shock but she couldn't dodge, and took the hit. She landed on the ground wrapped in flames.

However she got up, but something was different she shook over the flames like they were nothing. Embers surrounded her, but all I saw were her eyes. Glowing and completely green. I went numb with fear. "S-Selina?" I asked terrified.

She stalked slowly shoulders hunched and leaped using shadow claw. I used fire spin to create a fire vail. It was just a distraction though. It worked, cause when Selina went through it, I had moved to the side. I then took the opportunity to hit her with a hidden power. She stumbled after the hit, but recovered and turned her gaze to me.

I don't know if she was looking at me with anger or something else. I tried to run, but she was fast as lightning and was in front of me. She then held my tail down and fired a close-range shadow ball.

I flew through the air and landed hard. Everything hurt, but I got up on my feet. Selina charging at me using night slash. "Everything Eve warned about is actually happening." I thought. "I am scared, but I can't let that stop me anymore. I have to stand my ground. If I don't do it now, I never will." I thought determinedly.

As Selina leaped to hit me with night slash I used Ember, but a flamethrower came out instead. Selina couldn't dodge and took the full force of the attack and got thrown back and landed onto her side with some bad burns.

The judge's screens made a buzzing sound and had red X. "Selina is unable to battle, Amber wins." Diana said. I then passed out from exhaustion. Everything went black.


I woke up in the waiting room.

"Uh. My head." I groaned. I had a splitting headache.

Book 2: Book of DeterminationWhere stories live. Discover now