Opening Day

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Battle Room

"Breaking News. There were more rookie signings this weekend. Spitfire Agencies signed Ivy Blade and Leaf Solar to contracts. This is no shock considering they both performed well in the Battle League Tournament. Spitfire agencies is one of the top three talent agencies in the region, the other two is Ranch Agencies and Orso Agencies." Jim explained.

"Speaking of Orso Agencies they also signed some rookies. The Jungle Kids, Anthony and Bobby De Luca signed contracts to the biggest talent agency in the region. Orso Agencies is known for making legends and if they are interested in you then they think you are something special." Jim said.

"Not only that, but the Grand Festival is starting soon, registration has been completed and no surprise here, the reigning Top Coordinator Eve is competing. She's hoping to win another Grand Festival." Jim says.

"Other news involving the Grand Festival. The new band Final Embers will be performing opening day for the Grand Festival after the qualifiers. The qualifiers will take place in a week." Jim says.

-One week later.

Amber's point of view.

I was walking up to the stadium for the Grand Festival. Eve, Bob, Ant, and Ivy were with me. Leaf came here ahead of us and Jolt was coming later. Ruby, Sam, and Chewie were meeting up with us at the stadium. We eventually made it to the stadium, and it was really big.

 We eventually made it to the stadium, and it was really big

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"There's Ruby, Sam, and Chewie." Bob said. I looked to see the others. We were walking toward them when a limo almost hit us.

"Hey. Watch it." I heard Anthony yell. Then an emolga came out of the vehicle. Ant then walked around the car visibly annoyed. He walked in front of the emolga. "Hey. Aren't you going to apologize?" Anthony asked the emolga.

"For what?" The emolga asked annoyed.

"For what? How about for almost hitting my friends and I." He said angrily.

"Maybe you should watch where you're going." The emolga said brushing him off. Then walked away into the stadium.

"Don't waste your breath Ant." Eve said. "That's Emma Glide. She's been a coordinator for years and is one of the best. She also happens to be rich. All the fame went to her head, and now she thinks she's better than everyone else." Eve explained.

"I hate people like her." Ant said.

"Is that Leaf?" Ivy asked. We all turned to see Leaf.

"It is." Bob said. "Hey Leaf." Bob called to her. Leaf turned to us and smiled. She ran up to us and a strange Pokémon was following her, an oshawott.

"Hey guys." Leaf said.

"Hey Leaf. Who's your friend?" Ant asked her.

"Oh right. This is my childhood friend Otto." She introduced the oshawott. "He's competing in the Grand Festival as well." Leaf explained.

Book 2: Book of DeterminationWhere stories live. Discover now