-The Birds call often scares traitors -

Start from the beginning

Y/n: or we can do things my way and end this now.

She sighed looking down knowing he was right.

Qrow: we know better than to try and stop you but please tell us you have a plan... This time.

Y/n smiled at him his eyes shining in victory, he got up and spun around.

Y/n: stay here.

He said as he walked towards the enemy line, his three teammates shared a nervous glance Raven seemed to be the one showing the most concern. A short distance from y/n clinging to the side of the bridge a head of black hair with red tips peeked out from over the edge, two large innocent orbs of silver followed y/n as he acknowledged her by nodding his head slightly making her go under the bridge her silver eyes glistening with excitement.

Sum: I'm so going to enjoy this.

She said as she waited for y/n's signal, she was bouncing on the spot with heavy excitement, she always loved it when a plan came together, that's why she enjoyed watching y/n play the world of remnant against her other teammates, the score was something like 78-3 to y/n, it was almost depressing how many times y/n played Raven in a board game, she remembers the four of them forming a coalition to dethrone him... It didn't work.

Y/n casually walked up to the enemy barricade and stood in front of them his arms up in surrender.

Y/n: I have come to surrender!

The atlesian knights stared at each other before one of them left to get the commander who appeared shortly after.

Commander droid: Why have you stopped firing?

Ak-100: the huntsman Y/n L/n has surrendered to us commander.

It answered as the commander droid's optic widened in fear as y/n smirked narrowing his eyes.

Y/n: there you are.

He said as he forcefully pulled the commander droid who flew from the barricade letting out a small scream before y/n silenced him with a quick horizontal slash removing its head from its neck. After the deed was done y/n spun to summer.

Y/n: Summer now!

Summer nodded dropping down and telling the Valian forces to attack, the vale army flew up from under the bridge each of them equipped with a jetpack Summer lead the charge having teleported into a bunch of white silver rose petals and appeared next to y/n who nodded to her a small smile on his face.

Summer: I love it when a plan comes together!

She shouted with a fist pump getting a small laugh out of y/n, who started rubbing her head messing up her hair she attempted to swat his hand away.

Summer: Stop it!

The rest of the vale army flew over y/n stood proudly a small smile on his face. The Valian forces threw grenades upon the enemy trenches and lifted the siege upon the Valian ground forces.

Raven stared at her team and her family with the tiniest of smiles on her face, until everything went dark leaving only her and y/n who suddenly combusted into flames, writhing in agony he stared up at her.

Y/n: why didn't you save me?

Raven: I-I-I

She stood frozen horror etched onto her face, her brother in all but blood lay before her burnt and limbless.

Y/n: you abandoned me!

Raven: I had to leave Tai was jealous of our bond.

Her reasoning fell upon deaf ears as Y/n snarled at her his eyes changing to a different colour a sickly yellow, the darkness now had a reddish glow.

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