Misty blushed. He wanted her. It was too intense. The space in the car became too close and breathing was difficult. She should be excited about learning what he knew about her ability, but she was stuck on him wanting to claim her. Her panties were wet beneath her skirt. Misty had to focus hard to think of something else.

"I don't think I'm ready for that." She blushed and looked away from him.

"Mouse, you were just fine with me for the last week. Don't get all shy on me now. I know you want me. I can smell your desire. Daffodil is my new favorite scent." He laughed as they pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant.

"You weren't real before. I thought you were just in my head. I thought I made you up so I could get past the hard stuff." She whispered her protest at his embarrassing words. Was it possible for her cheeks to spontaneously combust?

Winter stretched out his hand to touch her red face. Misty's eyes slipped closed. His hand felt good. Warm, callused, safe. She wanted him to touch her forever. It was even better than it had been in her mind. When she opened her eyes again, he spoke.

"I was just as real then as I am now. I'm not going away. Not ever. You're mine, everything. Time doesn't matter. Don't shut me out. I want to share it all with you. Please."

She looked at him. He searched her eyes. His deep blue eyes seemed to look into her soul seeking her willingness to agree. She wanted to agree.

"Okay," Misty sighed.

She wanted him to share it all with her. Somehow he'd brought her back, saved her from her mental hell. She could close her eyes and not relive the nightmare.

With Winter it would be good. He knew what she was. He understood. Winter seemed as excited that she could manipulate minds as she had been that he could.

He smiled at her, and they got out of the car. He walked with her into the restaurant. They were shown to a table and handed menus. The server came for their drink orders while they looked over the menu. They made their orders when the server returned.

"Misty, are you okay?" He seemed genuinely concerned that she might not be.

"Just a little overwhelmed, I think. My life has been a bit chaotic recently. I don't think I'm quite comfortable in my skin much less with where I am or what's happening. You seem to be the brightest spot in all of it though. Thank you."

Misty told him the truth. Lying never occurred to her.

His hand reached across the table and covered hers. The electric jolt that traveled over her skin startled her. There was a decided difference between actual physical contact versus the mental contact they'd shared before. The difference was apparent now that she was physically in front of him.

Misty had been studying about the immortals in the library. Shifters had a connection to the one person who was their lifemate. They just knew.

She thought she felt what he thought he knew in that spark. If the chemistry between them was so strong to her, what must it feel like to him?

"You aren't alone anymore. I'm not leaving. I'll help carry the weight with you. You'll be safe now. I promise."

He waited for her to know the truth of his words. Misty wasn't sure that she believed him yet, but it was nice to know that she wasn't alone. It was like relief and hope mixed.

Misty looked up into his bluer than blue eyes. He smiled, and she smiled back. The world was brighter than it had been her whole life. Dinner was perfect. Winter ate more than any man she'd ever met, but his table manners were flawless.

"You got quiet, Mouse." He smiled at her as they waited on the check. There had been no chance she could eat dessert.

"I was just thinking that most people don't know which fork or spoon to use. It's a lost art." She answered him without addressing her surprise at how much food he ate. Miles ate more than she did, but even he didn't eat as much as Winter had.

"It went with the job. I had to learn if I needed to fit in with the high society types. I like culture. Plays, orchestra, opera, symphony, band, art, sculpture, ballet, are the things that make the world beautiful. Draoithe feels like that to me. The perfect wilderness, the pure beauty of the natural world pulls me in as well." He smiled and then he said the panty-melting truth that made her insides squirm.

"Nothing has ever been as enchanting as you."

Winter was serious. To him, she was enchanting. He made her feel alive, wanted, sexy, and beautiful.

Misty smiled at him. No man had ever paid her such undivided attention before. It was nice to be what he was into and know it was true. It felt good to be wanted. He put money in the folder without looking at the ticket. He stood and helped her to her feet.

"You aren't what I'm used to."

Misty was worried as she took his arm. What if he was just telling her what she wanted to hear? Did she trust him? She didn't know him for all that they had shared mentally over the last week. They walked away from the restaurant.

"That's good. I'm a dragon. I hope you aren't used to us." He laughed, and she blushed again.

The dragons had all been forced to sleep with their riders in the past to gain the energy to fly. She wouldn't have been a good rider.

Sharing felt wrong. Misty didn't like to think of him with another. He was her dragon. He opened the car door for her. It was growing late. She had to work tomorrow.

"I just meant that the men I dated in the past were never so into me." Misty elaborated so he could understand.

She needed to get a hold of herself. Sure she liked that he wanted to claim her, but she couldn't just claim him all to herself like some insane possessed person.

She looked at him. Could she? He smiled, closed her door, and went around to the driver's side.

"That's in my favor. It wouldn't do if I had to fight a man for you. Better if you were single. He would lose, and I would likely have died after I killed him. Walking away from you isn't even a possibility." Winter noted as he put the key in the ignition, never pausing their conversation.

He would kill for her? That wasn't idle talk. He was serious. He'd already captured four men who'd wronged her and gifted them to her as servants.

Misty believed he would kill for her. He would have accepted his death because of it too. He would willingly die for her. Everything. That was what he said. That was what he wanted. If she was honest, it was what she wanted. She just wasn't sure. It was too new and way too over the top.

Thank you for reading Ch 15. Please be kind and leave your review. -OK

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