Chapter 31: just a bit too late

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Techno's POV:

After getting changed, I slumped my way downstairs and took up a seat next to Tommy at the breakfast bar. My tie was hung underneath my shirt collar but loose around my neck. Tommy gently reached his fingers out for the pink material, and much to my surprise, put it straight in his mouth.

After managing to get it out his mouth again with Tubbo's help, and then dabbing the saliva off with a wet cloth, I helped Dad with the toast. It made me feel less useless, like I had a purpose and was there for a reason. I struggled with purpose a lot. Partially because some of the only people who were a part of my childhood made me think I had no good reason to be around. I mean I was working on it with my therapist, but I had my days where it didn't go as well as it should.

"Techno, did you want to sign my cast?" Tubbo asked, holding a sharpie out towards me that had been on the table.

"Sure." I mumbled, walking over and taking him from him. I signed my name quickly and drew a little bee on the cast too. "I put a bee on there too."

"Thanks Techno," he replied, smiling back at me.

"Toast is ready!" Dad called out across the kitchen. It wasn't a small kitchen, around medium sized, especially compared to the rest of the house, but Dad always raised his voice when he talked from it. He just always had done. I didn't mind too much.

Dad placed 2 slices out on 2 plates, one for each of my brothers, and then pushed out all the spreads so they could use them. 2 butter knives were on the breakfast bar already. "Just a minute for your's mate."

"It's fine Dad. When am I going into school?"

"Oh umm, I'll drive you there in an hour or so. That good?"


"Okay mate. Did you get that work done last night?" I froze for a second before using upstairs to get my laptop. 

As I walked back downstairs I sat back up at the breakfast bar and got up the word document. "Just a few hundred more words to write." Dad gave me a slightly disappointed look but then look to Tubbo and Tommy and just smiled at me with a nod.

"You've got a bit of time, just get it done now please." I nodded, typing away. We had been asked to finish our essays on the play we had been doing in my English class, and well, it had been a bit of a busy weekend. Luckily for me, I pretty much knew the play inside out by this point, and could type quickly. So half an hour later I saved the document and emailed it to one of my English teachers. I was pretty sure it wasn't the one who set us the homework in the first place, but it didn't matter too much.

"Done!" I said, tucking into the toast that Dad had placed beside me about 25 minutes ago.

"Well done mate. Tubbo and I have just been listening to some music. He likes that band you listened to all the time." I gave a confused look.

"Yea, karma is my favourite by them." Tubbo said, staring down at his phone.

"Ohhhhhh AJR, Yea their music is pretty cool. It's good to stim to." I said. Looking down at Tommy, I smiled quickly. He was staring at my laptop. 

"He's been staring at it for the past half an hour mate." Dad mentioned.

Tommy reached out a finger tentatively and pressed a key; the h key. I deleted it quickly and opened up a new word file for him. I certainly didn't want to lose all the work I had just put into my essay. I pushed the laptop so it faced him a little more. He studied the screen and pressed a few keys. I sat in shock.

'Hello' was written across the screen. 

"That's amazing," Tubbo said, mouth wide open. 

"What's he done?" Dad asked coming over to stand behind me. "Well done Tommy, that's amazing!"

Just me and him- autistic Tommy and big brother Tubbo, SBI adoption storyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu