Chapter 32 - The First Encounter

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She turned her head to look behind her. Leo was stood down the hallway, his eyes wide open in terror and a horrified expression on his face. Noticing her stating at Leo, Derek immediately knew what she was thinking. "I can't leave him." As the breathless words left her lips he knew he was right. Adelina was too good to leave a scared kid by himself, even if he was a werewolf and could protect himself. "I'm not a werewolf. I can't help you how you'll need me too and I'd just get in the way if you find something. I don't know how to deal with dead bodies, but I do know how to help someone in need."

He hated it. He hated that she was right and hated that it would be best to leave her here. Despite his need to always have her in his sight, Derek reluctantly agreed. "I know, I know." He sighed, "Call me if anything happens and I'll be here. Yell, scream, I'll hear you and I'll be here."

A smile spread across her lips as she leaned into him. His hands cupping her cheeks as he pressed his lips to hers, gently, lovingly. When he pulled back she grabbed his hands in her own, her cobalt orbs glossing over as she managed to croak out, "Be careful."

Derek nodded before pulling his hands from hers and turning away from her. She watched as he jogged to his car and got inside, his black camaro following Stiles' blue jeep down the road. She stood there until the two vehicles turned into little specks and waited a few seconds even after they disappeared before finally turning back into the house.

Closing the door behind, she forced a smile onto her face as she looked at Leo. "How about we play some more games? I'm sure there's more you want to show me." The feigned calmness in her voice didn't fool Leo in the slightest. He could smell the anxiety radiating off of her. And hear the pounding of her heart.

But hoping that it would bring some comfort to her, he pretended not to notice her worry and smiled at her, "Yeah, I've got a few more."


After another hour of playing on the console, Adelina felt more relaxed. Though she couldn't ignore the nagging sinking feeling she felt. But she pushed it aside and instead focused on trying to keep the 15 year old werewolf happy. He'd been through too much today and didn't need her stress added onto it.

Suddenly, Leo paused the game and turned to meet the confused girls eyes. His brows were furrowed as he asked in a low voice, "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" She unconsciously used the same hushed tone as she shook her head. Leo's head snapped to the side as he concentrated. Was he hearing something she couldn't? Curse that supernatural enhanced hearing.

"That." She noticed his throat bob as he gulped. Now she really felt uneasy. Hearing things as a human wasn't a good sign, hearing them as a werewolf whilst home alone was terrifying.

Suddenly, Leo shot to his feet as his eyes began darting around the room. Adelina too jumped up off the bed as her hands started to tremble. "What is it?" She whispered as he stepped infront of her in an almost protective manner.

His head shook furiously, "I don't know." The words spilled out of his quivering lip. Slowly he began walking to the open  door of his room, his hand comfortingly grabbing hers. Whether it was to calm himself or her, he didn't know. He just felt at ease knowing she was right behind him.

They both shuffled through the hallway, their steps slow and cautious. Adelina still didn't know what it was that Leo was hearing. But she knew that it put him on edge, and that was enough for her to begin to panic. In the back of her mind, she was telling herself that it was nothing and that they were freaking out over nothing, but being in Becaon Hills, that was extremely unlikely.

Her grip on his hand grew stronger as both their palms began to sweat. Walking through the dim, silent house was reminiscent of a horror movie, especially the part where the people inside could hear noises.

Tap. Tap. Tap...

Both of them came to a stop as a light tapping echoed through the house. The sound was faint and high pitched, consistent and eerie. It sounded like a pin tapping against glass. She shakily leaned closer to his ear to whisper, "Is that it?"

Leo gulped and whispered back, "No. That's something different..."


They're bodies immediately froze as the tapping shifted to a high pitched screech. A sound as ear splitting as chalk dragging across a chalk board. It brought both of their bodies to a stiff still. Neither one of them dared to move or even breathe, scared that whatever caused the sound would make a move for them.

When the loud, heavy patter of strong footsteps trailed away from the house, they finally let out a shaky breath. Fear racked their entire bodies. Whatever made those footsteps was not human. Nothing human could have footsteps so loud and violent. Whatever was outside the house wasn't human. That much was clear.

Slowly they turned to each other, both of them realising that they were in danger. Their eyes were glossed over, tears brimming and threatening to fall. Then a low, unearthly growl filled the silence, shaking the entire house. It was a horrifying noise. The kind that would instill fear in even the bravest of souls.
It was animalistic, savage and hungry, like a predator making itself known to its prey.

For a few seconds they stood rooted to their spots, utterly consumed by their terror. Hot tears slid down her cheeks uncontrollably. With her whole body shaking, Adelina turned to her right and a strangled sob left her lips. "L-Leo." She managed to croak out.

He turned to her and his eyes followed her horrified expression. In the window a few feet to the right of them, was a long white scratch, stretching from the top of the glass pane straight to the bottom. That must've been where the screech came from. But that's not what caught his eye. It's not what caused his eyes to widen in fear.

What shook him to the core was the dark sinister shadow lingering in the window. The bright, monstrous glowing crimson eyes that eyed them maliciously.

Sour Wolf - A Derek Hale Fanfic *DISCONTINUED*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu