Chapter 10 - Hunters?

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Splashing the cold water on her face made her feel refreshed. She had been running around for two whole days in the warm bar and the sweat just wouldn't stop pouring. The bathroom, like the rest of Derek's loft, wasn't decorated at all. There was minimalist furniture in the main room, a couch, a table, some stools and a double bed. She remembered seeing a spiral stair case in the corner, reasoning that that must be where Isaacs room was. To Adelina, it seemed like Derek's 'house' was more of a necessity to survive rather than an actual home, considering there was nothing homely about it. As she really thought about it, she imagined it as more of a base than a home.

Changing into the shirt Derek had given her, Adelina could feel a blush spreading across her cheeks. The cause of this obviously being the woodsy and cologne smell floating off of it. She didnt think that Derek would allow her to change, let alone wear one of his shirts.

Staring into the small mirror in the bathroom, she noticed how loosely it hung from her body. The sleeves almost reached her fingertips and the hem of the shirt reached to the middle of her thigh, quickly realising that raising her arms would lead to the exposure of her behind.

After neatly folding her clothes and placing them in the corner, she exited the bathroom. Everyone was still stood around the table, quietly discussing. Her eyes glanced to what was on the table, it looked like files and photographs. As she tried to get a closer look, Isaac suddenly appeared in front of her, "Nu-uh, rest. You need it." She groaned playfully as she allowed him to guide her to the bed before slowly climbing into it. "Goodnight." He softly whispered as he pulled the blanket up to her shoulders and then walked away to join the others.

Their voices, although hushed, still filled her ears. She listened carefully as they discussed possible connections between the victims, where this new pack was hiding and the latest victim.

As her eyes became heavy, she tuned out the rest of the conversation. Cuddling into the warm bed, the same woodsy cologne mixed scent filled her inside. Then it hit her. This was Derek's bed. The sudden flutter of butterflies in her stomach and the blush creeping through her cheeks caused her to squirm in the sheets embarrassed. She was really in Derek's bed and wearing one of his shirts.

Glancing over to the group, her eyes connected to his. He had been watching her and saw how she blushed when realising she was in his bed. Before he looked away, she was sure she saw him smiling at her, causing her face to completely flush pink.

A few seconds after realising that she wouldn't be able to slow her heart enough to sleep in Derek's bed, she climbed out and made her way over to the table.

Derek was the first to notice her presence, watching her carefully as her eyes narrowed on a photograph. Once she stepped infront of him, his breathing almost stopped. He admired her dainty figure in his large shirt. But his eyes lingered on her over exposed thighs, smooth and tanned. Then he cursed himself for not picking a longer shirt for her to wear as he didn't want anyone ogling her legs.

Everyone turned to her as she picked up one of the photographs, her brows furrowing in confusion as she spoke, "This is one of the victims?"

"The latest. Why do you ask?" Lydia questioned, noticing the confused expression on Adelinas face.

"Because this is a hunter that tried to kill Jake last year in London." Her voice trailed off.

Derek leaned over her shoulder from behind her, scanning the picture of the dead blonde woman, "You sure?"

Speaking in a quiet manner she responded, "Positive. She was stood over me with a crossbow before Jake pushed her away. I wouldn't forget her face."

"Why would a hunter from London be in Beacon Hills?" Stiles questioned, trying to piece everything together.

Sour Wolf - A Derek Hale Fanfic *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now