Chapter 24 - Aftermath

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Flashes of blue illuminated the night sky. The light pulsated luminously throughout the sombre alleyway. Noisy chatter filled the silence.

Another body had been found, much to everyone's dismay. After the groups unfortunate discovery, Stiles immediately contacted his father. And only a few minutes later, the sounds of blaring sirens and the rumble of engines was heard.

Sherrif Stilinski had brought a few ambulances and a few deputys to assess the scene. Across from the yellow and black striped police tape, a crowd of eager and worried onlookers stood ready to catch a glimpse of the body. Deputys stood in front of them, ushering them away and assuring that everything was fine.

"So this one is human?" The Sherrifs voice called out quietly, his head moving around to check if anyone heard his bizarre statement.

"Yeah. This one doesn't have a werewolf scent or anything else supernatural. He's definitely human." Scott lowly replied after taking a step back from the unsettling sight.

"Okay, thanks Scott. I'll have someone get this body to the morgue so we can see what the cause of death was." Stilinski nodded.

With his usual flare of sarcasm, Stiles chirped, "Hmm. I wonder. Would it be the multiple arrow wounds, the torn off arms or the caved in chest?"

Stilinski just stared at his son in disbelief. Even when faced with something as horrifying as a dead body his ability to use sarcasm never falters. With a wave of his hand, the Sheriff turned around, ready to walk away from his sons comment.

"Wait dad!" Stiles called whilst jogging to his father's side, "If that guy was a hunter then I don't think he meant to get killed."

"Nobody means to get killed Stiles." He retorted.

Stiles huffed, "No. I mean, there was wolfsbane in the smoke machine. I think that if that guy was a hunter then he came here to kill a werewolf. He had a plan. Maybe he knew that Scott, Derek and Isaac was here tonight."

A sudden look of worry crossed the sherrifs face, "If that's true then it means that all of you are being watched by hunters."

"Maybe. Or the hunter knew that another werewolf was here tonight. Or maybe he wasn't a hunter at all and just got caught up in a freak murder." The words blurted out of his mouth as he tried to ease his father's worrying, but it didn't seem to work.

"It's never just a coincidence when it involves you lot." Stilinski shook his head, his hands on his hips as he was deep in thought. Stiles opened his mouth to disagree, but promptly shut it, knowing that his dad was right.

A sympathetic look crossed the sherrifs face as he looked up to his son, "How is she?" He spoke softly.

"Well, she just saw her first dead body. And not a pretty one at that." Stiles rubbed the back of his neck, "I think she'll be okay."

His eyes lingered over to a bright ambulance, the lights still harshly flashing a neon blue. Sat at the back was Adelina, her eyes slightly widened in shock and her hands trembling. Wrapped around her was a foil blanket. Derek was crouched infront of her, his hands reaching out to wrap around hers.

"You're freezing." Derek's voice was low and sorrowful. He never wanted her to see something like this. He never wanted any of them too. But having the first body you see be this mutilated was sure to have an effect on you.

Adelina didn't say a word, she was lightly nibbling on her lip as her eyes stared off into the distance. A stunned expression still on her face. Derek stood up, shielding her from view as multiple deputys started to unhook the body from the fence and place it on a stretcher.

Sour Wolf - A Derek Hale Fanfic *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now