Please end this all

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After what been centuries (insert spongebob voice).... just kidding only an hour later Rosa was dismissed from detention. She shove everything inside her bag hastily and left detention with a hard glare that made the teacher gulped in fear. She walk through the school hallway as she owns the place and went to the library to get her precious gem Isa.

Once she entered the library her hard glare melted into soft one. Once icy cold blue eyes turn into an wave of emotion that shows admiration, adoration and love. The sight of Isa sleeping laying her head on the hard wood table in the library with book sprawled over, her long ebony hair fell over her face, the sunlight that shine through the big windows of the library reflected her tanned skin and petite frame. This took all the power that Rosa have to melt into a puddle. She slowly walk towards the sleeping girl  and pull a chair. She mentally cursed when it made a screeching noise. This made Isa stir in her sleep a little bit. Rosa sat on the chair and chuckled slightly at Isabellas mouth drooling. 

Rosa gently shook her sister awake "wake up Isa we have to go back unless you want to spend the night in this haunted place" Isa opened her eyes and jump for her seat after the mentioned of haunted. "wh-er where-wh is th ghos- owh wait it's the evening" shouted Isa running around the library like a headless chicken until her eyes settled on a noirette hair girl doubling over laughter on the floor. "y- yo- you-sho-dave-seen your face ahahahaahahah" screamed the noirette girl with laughter. Isa's confused and scared face morphed into an angry one "YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY , GOD GHOST ARE SCARY YOU DON,T KNOW THAT CAUSE YOU ARE ONE OF THEM" screamed Isa until she was out of breath. Even though rosa was offended by her statement she still could not stop laughing because her sisters face looks like a angry bunny. She was sure that her face was all red, tears were flowing out of her eyes and her stomach was sore after all the laughing.

Angry Isa face morphed into an amused one and then she joined her sister laughing. Once the girls who were laughing like crazy composed a little they grabbed their backpacks, Rosa as usual sling her arm over Isa shoulder pulling her younger sister closer as an act of protecting her from the danger. Isa didn't mind as she feels the warmth and love from her sisters touch. They walked to their house on the way cracking few jokes which earn the noirette hair girl few scolding from her younger sister. Once the girls near their house that really needs some fixing to be done.

 Once the girls near their house that really needs some fixing to be done

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The girls stopped in their tracks. Rosa analyse the sorrounding of their house for John's car their stepfather. While Isa was having a full blown panic attack, She could feel her heart thumping and her the blood flowing to all parts of her body, Her breathing was getting shallower. Isa counted till 10 making her breathing steady and tried focusing her sorrounding and talking in the neighbourhood. This made her heartbeat to slow down. Once Rosa make sure there was no sight of John's car she pulled Isa and slowly but steadily went towards the front porch. Rosa took a shallow yet a shaky breath and put her trembling hand on the doorknob, her mind was shouting to not to do it but her brain on their other side told her to do it as John's car was nowhere in sight. She choose the later and twisted the doorknob. Rosa peeked her head in from the front porch to the hall to see empty beer bottles and smoked cigarettes all over the place but no evidence of John.

This practically made the girls to visibly calmed down and giving each other a discreet smile. They went in and closed the door only to be greet by a beer bottles to their head. Owh how Rosa wished she could have listened to her heart instead of her stupid brain that filled with trauma. How she could have dragged her little sister away from the devil they call their stepfather. Or how Rosa wished her stupid brain didn't checked the back of the house. In that moment her concern was about Isabella was whimpering in pain ad shrinking in her. She was mad because she couldn't help her baby, she was mad because she was weak, she was mad because even though she has a strong upfront John would always find a way to break it. She was mad because she couldn't move as her eyes fer fighting to close. She fought till the very end to keep her eyes open but the impact of the glass bottle hitting her head made her welcomed the darkness with open hands. The last thing she heard before hitting the ground was the pleas of her beloved sister.

Yay guys!!!!! Second chapter on deck. I hope this you guys enjoy this chapter. I was pouring all my emotions for the last few sentence. The next chapter would be in Isabellas Pov.....

Stay tuned

adios mi amores!!!

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