Wait...... WTF!!!!

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"Rosabella Rios please come to the principle office.......I repeat please come to the principle office" the loud message  blared through the intercom as Rosabella sighs and get up of the chair she was sitting. "Again Ms.Rios" her maths teacher aka buttface said with a eat shit grin. Rosa turned to her teacher and retorted out loudly "atleast i didn't hooked up with pur hisroty teacher" . Now her eat shit grin morphed into a frown and Rosa's face morphed into a smirk. Few chuckles and muttering could be heard through out the entire class. This made the situation worst. The students might be mistaken their maths teacher as a bull and hope to not see anyone or anything red. Rosa moved to her younger sisters table and kissed her cheek "baby i'm going to meet Stephen if anyone bothers you tell me ok" Isa melted in her sisters affection even though few minutes earlier she was mad at her for causing trouble and being disrespectful to the teacher. Isa just nodded her head with a smile that brighten up Rosas mood. When Rosa exited her class she flipped her classmates of with her famous quote "see ya later fuckers" This earned her a scoff and a disapproving look from Isa. Once Rosa reached the office she greeted the secretary who like a mother figure to both of the sisters. "Hey barba" greeted Rosa "what have you done Rose.... you know you should stop getting yourself in trouble." said barba the secretary with a sigh. Rosa raised her hand in a mock surrender "hmmmm......lemme think, last week I kicked tylers balls and broke his arms, scribbled few lockers, threw spider on ms.spencers food....OWH!!! NOW I REMEMBER....... I might or might  have not been mixed pink colour hair dye  ms.spencers face cream" admitted Rosa with a sheepish smille. Barba was trying to keep her composure key word tried. She ended up laughing out loud at the girls tactic. Rosa smile morphed into a smirk and she entered the principles office without knocking as its been a routine for her. The principle office is the second place she most visited then the library which force to go because of her sister. "Yo wassup Step its me your favourite student and course your nightmare" The principle tried to hold back a smile and just rolled his eyes. "Rosabella you know that you can't go around and pranking people by putting pink dye in their face cream right?" questioned Mr stephen. Rosa swinged her to the principle desk "dude she was being a bitch to me when i got my septum pierced......like god that bitch was jealous because of my beauty and ngl I looked hot" she retorted. He just looked at her confused and dismissed her with a detention after school" By the time Rosa left the office the school bell rang and the students were running in the hallways to go back home. As usual Isabella was reading her novel and walked towards her locker room to avoid human conversations.  Rosa spotted her sister and ran to her. "hey baby how was maths", "yeah it was alright.......you know rosa you cant always get yourself into trouble and i'm pretty sure you have a detention to attend". advised Isa. "alright mom" grumbled Rosa in a fake tone. This earned the sixteen year old girl a slap in her head. "OUCH!!!....alright im sorry" said Rosa while rubbing the back of her head. Just then the school bad boy or so he says Dylan walked towards Rosa "Hello my little rose......would you like to you know netflix and chill with  me later" he said with an awful smirk. "Rosa just stared at him "OK first of all how old are you? like 30 and BACK OF YOU PEDOPHILE!!!!" screamed rosa. Dylan face looked like one of the teletubbies trying to explode. Now it was Rosa's turned to smirk and Isa let out a laugh. This caught the attention of Dylan "WTF your looking at bitch" shouted Dylan. Rosas smirk fell and all she could see was red. Her brain wondered on what shes going to do with Dylan. "YOU MOTHERFUC-" before Rosa could start, Isa interrupted her by saying "A mistake your mother made a long time ago" Isa said nonchalantly this earned few comments such as "damn gurl", "burn". "did dylan just got his ass wooped by a kid". Isa pulled Rosa to the detention room after realising what she did. "OMG ASGSGDSHDSHD...... did you just- just-just told the dick off....... I'm so proud of you.....thank god all my sacrifices has been paid of......my little precious bean is a grown up girl oh god shes gonna ger married soon pls don't forget me baby" cried Rosa with a chest in her hand. This earned that girl a headsmack and an eyeroll from Isa. "oh quit it... my good who taught you to be this dramatic. Trust me mom jr you deserve an oscar for this". The girls she laughed at each other enjoying their company respectively. They then separated paths as Rosa went to detention and Isa to the library aka her safe haven.




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