Characters introduction

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Ladies and gentleladies!!!! let's meet our mafia daddies to simp and imagine+creating scenarios in our heads. Who need real life guys when we have fictional characters to simp for. Let's begin.

Riccardo Ricci (45 years old) ex capo of the Italian Mafia

Riccardo Ricci (45 years old) ex capo of the Italian Mafia

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So he is the father of the boys and the girls . He really loves the girls so much that one tear from their eyes he'll burn the entire world to the ground. He has a cold exterior but when it comes to the girls he's all softy like a big cuddly teddy bear. 

Allesandro Ricci 28 years old (current capo of the italian mafia)

Allesandro Ricci 28 years old (current capo of the italian mafia)

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'ARE YOU LOST BABYGORL' just kidding!!!. Any who he is the eldest brother of the Ricci family. loves the girls so much and his brothers. Very overprotective over them. After the leaving of the twin he kept himself busy with the mafia. Keeps an emotionless face all the time but secretly smiles or chuckles at the girls ethics.

Matteo 26 years old (Underboss)

Matteo 26 years old (Underboss)

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He is the Elijah of the family. The mama bear. He's hugs are the best and he gives great advice whether it could be life problems or the mafia. He is protective of the girls. He loves cooking and does great dish for his familia. He his also a doctor to treat the mafia men. But don't get fooled by his kind presence as he can turn scarier than Allesandro when someone disturbs his family.

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