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Well in a blink of eye, today was the day of the reception day. The appointed area was full with relatives, friends and colleagues. The couple was yet to arrive at the destination. They were still at the Kim's residence.

Yuki was standing in front of the mirror, applying the last bits of makeup. She was looking absolutely ethereal in that attire. Her hair was done perfectly. After completing her look with the dark red chanel lipstick, she went back inside the closet. She picked up a pair of black heels which they bought on the day they went for shopping. Well heels were always a struggle for Yuki so she prayed nothing goes wrong in the party today.

At the moment she walked out of the closet, her eyes collided with her favourite brown ones. Yes, there stood her dear husband in his handsome glory. At the sight of him, Yuki's heart did a flip and butterflies erupted in the put of her stomach. He was wearing a black three piece suit. The black turtle neck looked so good on him. His hair was slicked back with a few tendrils falling on his forehead.

Hence in simple words he was looking too good for Yuki's self.

Same was the case with Taehyung. He was left speechless and astonished by her beauty. And as if she was a magnet pulling him, he now found himself in front of his blushing wife.

He cleared his throat which snapped Yuki out of her daze.

"You are looking so beautiful. "

He whispered leaning down to her ear. Well she was a wild red tomato now. With much efforts, she mumbled a thank you.

"Ummm I have a little gift for you. "

Saying, he pulled out a small box from behind his hands. Yuki shyly took the box and opened it. She gasped when she saw a diamond ring inside it. It was a very pretty ring.

Yuki looked up at him and he gave her a smile. He removed the ring from her finger which he gave her on their wedding and gently slid the new one.

"Yuki I know our wedding was not a perfect one and at that time we both were not ready. Such events happened that we didn't find any time for each other and this relationship. But now I've accepted you as my wife and I swore to protect you with my soul. This ring is just a small thing. I can do much more for you. "

He had such sincerity in his eyes with each word he spoke. And at that moment Yuki couldn't control her emotions and she grabbed his face and placed a long kiss on his alluring lips. He smiled and kissed her back while holding her in his arms. After some time, both pulled away and joined their foreheads. They both gave each other small smiles and she bopped her nose into his.

"You're looking so handsome today. "

She whispered with red ears. Taehyung laughed and kissed her forehead before pulling away.

"I know my sweetheart. C'mon we should be getting to the destination or people might wonder what we are doing alone at the home. We don't want them getting any ideas, now do we? "

Yuki slapped his arm and he faked a cry. She re-applied her lipstick and then they were off to their reception party.

"And now let's welcome the couple of this evening. My son, Taehyung and my lovely daughter-in-law Yuki. "

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