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Lee Yuki
(not edited)

Today is my mom's birthday and I can't be more happy! My mother is the sweetest and strongest person I know. After my father left the world, when I was 11, she took everything in her hands. She started a little cafe and made money for both of us as I don't have any sibling.

Today our cafe is one of the famous cafe in Seoul. And I'm so proud of my mother. She the strongest women I know and I love her so much.


After baking the cake in the kitchen, I went to take a bath and got ready for the little surprise birthday party for mom.


“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Eomma. Happy birthday to you!”

Mom was surprised to see her old and new colleagues and her best friend, Mrs. Park.

“Oh my god. Thank you hun!”
Mom came and hugged me tightly.


After the celebrations, it was me,mom and Mrs. Park left alone. I was cleaning the dishes while both the ladies were sipping on their cups of tea.

“You should have told me beforehand.”

I heard a whispered sentence from Mrs. Park.

“I know but now it's of no use. I only have 2 months left.”

It was mom now. But what are they talking about?

“What are you saying Eomma?”
I came out of the kitchen and asked. They both stopped and became alarmed at my arrival.

“Oh uhh, it's nothing honey.”
Mom said and I can tell that it was a fake smile on her face and also her voice felt heavy.

I frowned at her response.

“What happened Eomma? Tell me.”

And suddenly she started crying.

“Honey, I am suffering from 3rd stage ca-ancer.”
I froze at her words.

“...and I have only 2 months left.”

If this is how it feels, then I felt someone poured a bucket of ice water on me.

My mom is my only person in this world. After dad, she was the one I looked for at my worst. And the thought of loosing her is enough to make me insane.

I hugged her tightly and close to me. Inhaling her comforting scent,I pulled out and gave her a small smile.

“I love you Eomma. ”
And then I walked back to my room.

I just sat on the bed. Void any emotion or expression.

What am I going to do?


I woke up early in the morning and went down to make breakfast. Soon mom came back after her completing her yoga session.

“Good morning Eomma.”
I said with a big smile on my face.

“Morning honey.”

Now that I see her, she has become weaker, paler and thinner. Her smile didn't reach her eyes as they used to when she spoke to me.

As I was picking up a mug, I heard a breaking sound and looked up to see her loosing her balance and holding onto the kitchen counter for support, which caused the flower vase to fall down.

I rushed towards her and held her.

She is fainted.

I took her to living room and put her on the couch. After that, I called Uncle Choi, who is my mom's friend and a doctor.

“Hello Uncle Choi. It's Yuki. Can you please come fast here? Eomma has fainted all of a sudden! ”

“Don't worry child. I'm on my way.”

With that I cut the call and sat beside mom.


It's been a while since mom regained her consciousness and right now Uncle Choi is prescribing her health conditions which I was trying to avoid.

“Please take care Jiwo. You have a little time left so try to be happy and healthy. Okay?”

Mom slightly nodded.


After bidding Uncle Choi goodbye,I went to mom and put my head in her lap as she moved her fingers through my hair. It was so soothing.

“You know honey, when I have birth to you, your father was the happiest person in this world. He was so happy that he hugged a nurse who was bathing you. And when he took you in his arms, he squeaked which made you open your eyes and he started crying and telling me that your eyes look like mine and your little nose is so cute...”

Mom told many more memories which lead me to laugh so much.

“Honey. ”

“Yes Eomma. ”

“After I'll leave this world, I want someone to take care of you, to love you, to cherish you and make you feel safe. Can you fulfill my one and only wish? ”

She asked me with glossy eyes.


“Yuki can you get married before I die? ”

Mom used my name only when it was something serious and I can comprehend what she just asked me to do.



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