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Lee Yuki

I walked down the aisle with my mom. Everything just felt surreal? Me on my wedding day, dressed in all this ethical wedding gown, just to marry a mere stranger and to be tied with him for the rest of life. Well never planned this though.

But the smile on my mom's face told me it was all worth it. When she came in the dressing room this morning, she gave me a butterfly charm necklace saying-

"Always remember I'm there with you. Never even try to cry alone or I'll be upset. And just be happy and build a bright future for yourself and Taehyung. "

She whispered those last sentences and both of us cried until Taehyung's mom came and scolded us both for crying and especially me for ruining the make-up artists efforts.

Well I won't lie if I said I wasn't looking a whole different Yuki. The one standing in front of me in the mirror was a new person.

"Take care of my heart Taehyung. "
Mom said while putting my hand in his hand with teary eyed smile and kissed our joined hands. Taehyung smiled and kissed mom's forehead whispering someth in her ears which caused her to smile a little brighter. I wonder what he said.

"Today we all are here... "

The priest started with the vows and everyone seated listened to him very carefully. The hall was decorated all in white and I loved it.

I felt him rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand as in a comforting way. I looked up from our joined hands to his face. Wow was the word that came to my mind. He just looked so perfect. That black tuxedo with the silk white dress shirt and those dark brown hair sleeked back in most perfect manner made him look heavenly. He had a tiny smile playing on his lips. Well I was busy admiring him and when our eyes met the world again seemed to stop just like how it did the first time we met. His eyes are just so hypnotizing and luring that the person just forgets other things.

"Kim Taehyung, do you take Lee Yuki as your lawful wife? "

The priest asked him and he just stared at me for a moment.

"I do. "

"Lee Yuki, do you take Kim Taehyung as your lawful husband? "

I have to say it. Just for mom.

"I do. "

I whispered, still looking in his promising and determined eyes.

"Well now I pronounce you both as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride. "

What the fuck?!

Taehyung just smiled and leaned in to peck my forehead. Still holding my hand he looked down at me smiling and I too gave him a little smile. The audience clapped with joy and everyone blessed us with love.

We both proceeded towards our parents who were congratulating each other. Mr. and Mrs. Kim both hugged me.

"Welcome to the family, daughter. "

I smiled at their warm gesture and then went to hug my mom who was sitting down on the chair. I bent down and put my hands on her knees.

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