chapter 8

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"M-Mo? Mo, wake up." Atticus said as he began to shake her body and then began to get ready to do CPR.

Mo couldn't wake up, her hazel eyes slowly opened up. Angel came to Mo's side, then licked her face gently.

"Huh...?" Mo mumbled, then coughed up some water herself, then looked up to Atticus. "I think I just went to Heaven..."

"Oh, Mo, thank goodness you're alive, I was so worried." Atticus said.

Mo smiled, then cringed a little. "Ew, wet dog..."

Angel rolled her sapphire eyes. "At least I dont' smell like I used to when we lived in the junkyard."

"Yeah, whatever." Mo patted her puppy on the head, having a sisterly bond with her.

Cherry put her glasses back on. "If I didn't know any better... I'd say Atticus grew a tail and saved you."

"I could've sworn I saw that too..." Scamp added. 

"Oh, you guys, there's no such things as mermaids and mermen..." Mo said with a laugh, then grew serious a moment. "Isn't there...?"

Atticus laughed nervously. Well..." he said, before showing his tail fin.

Mo looked and rubbed her eyes. "Whoa..."

"How did that happen?" Cherry asked.

Scamp and Angel weren't sure how that was possible, they never knew any human with something like that.

"I'm a merboy, at least, when I go into the water." Atticus said, he then dried off and his tail fin glows and is replaced with his legs.

"How do you do that?" Mo had to know. 

"I've met mermaids before," Cherry said to the street girl. "I've been to Mermaid Lagoon and met Ariel."

"Oh, come on, those are just stories." Mo shook her head. 

"I think you're gonna be wrong again." Angel smiled teasingly to her mistress.

Atticus told them how he transformed to a merboy and back to human and everything about his mother's side of the family. 

"Really?" Cherry asked. "Jessica too?"

Mo smiled in admiration. "Thanks for saving me though... I have something to say too..."

Cherry gestured for Angel and Scamp to let Atticus and Mo have some privacy as they had some unfinished business.

"Same with me." Atticus said.

Mo and Atticus shared eye contact together, saying hello to each other softly.

"Atticus, since we've met... I felt the same way that Angel has felt about Scamp..." Mo spoke up first, being the lady. "Atticus... I.... I...." she cleared her throat as her words scrambled in her throat. "Atticus.... I like you... It's okay if you don't like me back, I'm just telling you how I feel... But... I really like you like you."

"I feel the same way about you, Mo." Atticus said.

"Really?" Mo blushed then.

"Really." Atticus confirmed.

Mo sniffled, then pulled him into a very tight hug. Angel and Scamp smiled at the embrace.

Cherry looked like she didn't really care, but she did think it was nice. "Now... How are we gonna get HOME?"

A couple of jeeps came over with honking horns.

"Oh, Monique, thank goodness!" James rushed over, holding his adoptive daughter.

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