chapter 7

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McLeach was driving with his prisoners, ready to hunt down Marahute and make millions off her.

"You can't do this!" Cody yelled. "You'll get in big trouble! I'll tell the rangers where you are!"

Joanna hissed and slammed the back window shut to tune him and the others out. Scamp and Angel lay in Mo's lap, comforting her as she sat a little lowly while Cody made faces with Joanna before slamming the window and sat down, miserably. 

"It'll be okay, guys," Cherry said to them. "I know we're gonna get out of this."

"She's right, ve musn't lose hope," Bianca added. "Bernard, Penny, and Atticus are still out zhere."

"That's right, if anyone can get us out of this scrape, it's old Berno and friends!" Jake added with confidence, but then dropped his voice low to a whisper. "Nice bluff, Miss Bi and Cherry."

"Ve veren't bluffing." Bianca said.

"You don't know Atticus and Bernard like we do," Cherry added. "They'll never give up."

Scamp didn't like Jake so far, he seemed a little arrogant. "Can I eat him?"

"SCAMP!" Mo scolded the pup.

"Worth a try..." Scamp mumbled.

"He is a bit arrogant." Angel said.

"Neither of you can eat him..." Mo told the puppies.

"Just a nibble?" Scamp asked.

"No..." Mo looked like a firm mother telling her children they weren't allowed to do something dangerous.

Meanwhile, it was getting dark quickly, Bernard, Atticus, and Penny were still running. They followed the tracks.

"There's no way I can get here on foot..." Bernard said to them.

"Want one of us to carry you?" Penny offered.

"It's too far and they're too far away," Bernard pointed to the distance as the vehicle was down the high cliffs they were on. "I don't feel so good..." his eyes lolled in the back of his head and he passed out backwards.

Atticus caught him in time. "Whoa, careful, I got ya." he said to the mouse.

Bernard panted, unsure what else to do. "Thank you, Atticus...." 

Penny looked behind and saw a sleeping warthog. "Makes me think of Pumbaa..." she mumbled.

"M-M-Maybe that warthog could help us." Atticus said.

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