❤️Boyf Riends: Annoying Bat - Part 2 🌧💕

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After the.. Incident against the alleyway wall, Michael and Jeremy would barely talk. Jeremy was simply too busy either sleeping or searching for scraps of food in the trashbags of neighbors, his only lifeline that kept him alive.

Granted, it would definitely be an easier job to get food if Jeremy got a job, but it wasn't that easy. For one, he was homeless, and the only clothes he had were the ones he had on him. He lived in a cave, had absolutely no money, and if in a rare circumstance he were to get angry at a customer or co-worker, he would involuntarily transform into a werewolf and reveal himself.

Jeremy genuinely preferred the werewolf lifestyle, anyway. He didn't have any customers or coworkers to even get upset at, so he could forget the risk of him getting found out. Sure, he had to hunt for food every night but it was free, and you would be surprised how much good food humans toss out just because they decided they don't want it.

However, lately, everyone has been eating all of their food gratefully. There's less than scraps in every garbage can, and Jeremy has been paying the price for being greedy. Even if he salvaged all that he could and saved it for later in his cave, it didn't make up for the amount of food he should be eating every day.

He was starving, and Jeremy made sure to have morals. He refused to eat anything living, hunting for his own food from animals in the forest. It was almost like he was vegan, which was not a fitting lifestyle for a werewolf. Even as a starving human, he refused to eat living flesh, and he would kill himself before that happened.

So he let himself suffer in his cave, coughing up nothing as his stomach ate itself in, his body getting effortlessly skinnier. He hadn't seen Michael in a bit, both being busy keeping up with their lives. Who knows, maybe Michael had a family of vampires to tend to in some massive castle or something. He'd never know, it's not like he cared. That night was just a fling to get Michael to leave him alone, and for the most part, it worked.

He wouldn't admit that he missed him. Having anyone to talk to at all, he was silent most of the time but he always felt his heart flutter when Michael knocked on the rocks of Jeremy's cave for a visit.

It had been awhile since he saw him.

But why did he care? Michael was annoying and Jeremy preferred to be alone.

The company was always nice, though. It would feel a lot better to be with someone right now, having someone rub his hair and not complain about his pained whining from starvation. But of course, Jeremy had to be a jackass to everyone around him. Nobody wanted to take care of him, they'd prefer to listen to him whine than soothe him.

That was probably why Michael stopped coming by.

"Ugh.. Ngh," Jeremy grunted, curling his body up to keep warm in the dark night. His lack of body fat did a number on his warmth, even as a werewolf, he longed to be under a blanket or laying on a heater. But for now he'd have to resist and hope his eating habits grew better.

As Jeremy attempted to get some amount of sleep, he began to feel a strange warmth against his stomach, which was strange since he was cuddled up in the corner. He opened his eyes, seeing a small figure, forced into his werewolf limbs and snuggling against Jeremy's soft chest, silent. He just stared at him, not moving until Michael lifted his head up. Instinctively, his tail began to thump against the floor of the cave.

Michael let out a weak chuckle, wrapping his arms around Jeremy's body. "Hi, Jeremy.. I missed you.." He whispered, burying his face into the fur of Jeremy's chest, smiling softly.

Jeremy transformed after a few silent moments of holding the warm body against his own. "What are you doing here..?" He asked quietly, brushing his hand through Michael's hair. Michael eagerly cuddled into it, desperate for any attention he could get.

"Long story.. I had to leave for a bit because my clan was like.. Being rude. Heh." He was very vague with his answer, sighing. "I missed hanging out with you.. I missed being near you." He admitted, sitting up and looking at Jeremy sadly.

Jeremy was shivering in his arms, hugging himself. "I m-missed you too.. Sorry, could you keep cuddling me? I-it's fucking freezing.." He grumbled. Michael obeyed with a little chuckle, crawling over to his fluffy friend and wrapping his arms around him.

"You're looking very.. Well." He joked, placing his hand on Jeremy's stomach, making him flinch back. He dropped his head, panting out clouds of smoke with how cold the nights were.

"Y-yeah.. About that.." He laughed, leaning his head on Michael's shoulder, exhausted with no energy. "People have begun to realize that if they leave so much food and trash, someone eats it all up and makes a mess. So they leave less and less everyday. I'm losing all of my body fat.. And I'm freezing." He complained.

"Well why didn't you just say that?" He sat up. "My family has tons of weird foods that I could bring to you every time I show up!" He smiled at him, ready to do anything for his new friend.

Jeremy looked up at him, his eyes glistening with tears. "Aren't you a vampire, though..? I mean, don't you just harvest farm life and- and suck cows dry? What do you need all of that food for-?"

"Well- since my family is royal or whatever, our whole town looks up to us. But.. none of them know we're vampires. They donate all of their feasts to us, anything they don't eat, as a kind gesture to their leaders. But we don't eat any of it-"

"So.. you just have all this food?"

Michael smiled wide, nodding. "Plenty for you to feast upon.. Get your fat back up.." He gently poked his stomach, making Jeremy squirm.

Jeremy looked down in shame, "I don't want to be rude or intrude.. Are you sure it's okay?"

"You're doing us a favor! We can't just throw it away or the servants who throw the trash out will be suspicious and go tell the whole town that we're not accepting their favors! Tell you what, tomorrow night, I'll ask my parents if I can bring someone to take a lot of the food. Even if they say no- I'll sneak you in."

Jeremy smiled wide, jumping towards Michael and hugging him tight. "Oh, thank you.. I'll never be able to repay you for this.. I'm so starving.." He whispered, burying his face into his neck.

The sleep the two had that night was better than most nights. Comfortable, with Michael buried under Jeremy's fuzzy limbs and his face shoved into his fluffy chest, and Jeremy finally had a heat source to keep him warm in the night.

And the night after that, Jeremy had the feast of his life, and it remained that way for the rest of the harsh winter. He would follow Michael back to his castle and stuff his face with all of the best foods, some of which he had never gotten the chance to eat before. But it was great.

Four Kinds of Broadway - Oneshots - 1-8OO-BROADWAYTHINGSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora