❤️Boyf Riends: Let's Get Stoned💕

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"How are we going to get this past your moms?" Jeremy asked worriedly as he held two small baggies filled with little nuggets of marijuana, with some small slices of paper to roll blunts into. "A-And I'm still a little nervous because it's my first time s-smoking.."

"Oh, they don't really care! surprisingly. " Michael laughed to himself, "That's why you're doing it with me! I'm not gonna freak out and be all crazy when I'm high because I know what I'm doing. So I can basically babysit you in case you're a crazy kid when you're high." He explained, placing his hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Don't worry, Jere. I'll be gentle with you, and teach you everything you need to know." He whispered, stuffing the bags back into his hoodie pocket as the teacher spoke up to start class. He didn't usually bring weed to school so his anxiety was on the rise.

Both boys pulled their phones out of their pockets and hid them under their desk to continue their conversation. As the teacher spoke, their fingers spammed.


Jere itll be fine i promise!!

I'll be the only person there obviously and you trust me dont u?


I do trust u im still just nervous michael

I dont wanna get in trouble with my fam

They know you smoke but they know i dont so if they find out i did theyll think i lied to them and probably make us break up as friends


I promise you it will be okay, i know how to get rid of the smell and stuff and you have a toothbrush at my house so you can just brush ur teeth and shower dummy

Jeremy picked his head up and glared at Michael from beside him, sticking his tongue out. Michael did the same and smiled, mouthing to him, "You'll be okay." Jeremy chose to believe him.

After school, Michael led Jeremy to his car and the two hopped in, greeting Michael's moms.

"Thanks for the ride." Jeremy smiled. He basically had three moms since he went to Michael's house so often, but he could never get past the stage of being polite and formal to them.

"Of course! What's the game plan today?"

"Games." The two boys responded simultaneously. Sure, Michael's mothers didn't care about if he smoked or not, but he didn't like sauntering around showing off. It was best to hide it anyway.

"Alright, just keep it down, we'll be making dinner for you two and watching a movie."


The two hopped out of the car once it was parked in the driveway, grabbed their bags and ran inside chatting. Michael snatched his bags of weed and raced with Jeremy down to the basement, where they collapsed down onto the fold-out couch covered with beanbags and blankets.

"How do you smoke weed all the time but the basement never smells like weed?" Jeremy asked, reaching from the edge of the futon to the mini-fridge, practically making himself a bridge because he was too lazy to stand up. Yeah, too lazy to stand up but not too lazy to stretch his body all the way across the room to grab a 7-up, because that's how mindsets worked.

"A magician never reveals his tricks." Michael responded smugly, "Hey Jere, grab me one?"

Jeremy was already in the middle of getting back up, groaning. "Do it yourself, lazy-pants." He growled, sitting back up on the futon and cracking the can open, sipping it. Michael frowned and snatched the can.

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