💚JDonica: Snuck in for a Quickie⚠️

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Jason sat upright in bed, his eyes droopy and the computer screen in his lap bright in his face. His fingers typed away a devious letter that would soon be laid on top of the ashes of his high school. It was righteous, he and Veronica would live forever, hand in hand.

"Have no worry, my love.. You'll be safe in my arms once I destroy the things that harm you. The foul beings that hurt our love soon burn in the ashes of our school while we watch from my car.. And finally then, you'll see how much I'd do for you, you'll see how godly my love is for you.."

Once the letter was completed, Jason sat back and reread his masterpiece of a mass suicide note.

We the students of Westerburg High, will die

Our burned bodies may finally get through to you

Your society churns out slaves and blanks.

No thanks.

Signed, the students of Westerburg High,


Jason reread the note proudly and smiled. He shut his computer and sighed with relief, Veronica's voice popping up into his head. 'This is such a dumb idea, I don't need you to explode the school for me!'

"Tch," Jason scoffed, rolling his eyes. He knew that whenever his lovable girlfriend said stuff like that, it meant she totally wanted him to do exactly as she said not to do. "You'll love me forever, Veronica Sawyer." He smiled to himself, setting his laptop aside on his desk and lifting the covers up slightly to climb under them. He sighed with relief as he finally got to rest himself, closing his eyes as he rested against the comfortable warm pillow of his bed.

Just as Jason was about to fall asleep, a loud crash shocked him back awake. At first, he expected that it was just one of those shocks that wakes you up from a dream and you go right back to sleep. But the crashes continued from his window. Suddenly his window busted open and his window lock fell to the ground.

Jason sat up as fast as he could, heart beating angrily.

Veronica appeared in the square of the window, panting lightly, her breath visible from the cold crisp air. "Hey, baby." She smirked, climbing through the window.

"Veronica? How- How'd you get into my house?" JD snapped. Sure, he was happy to see her but now he had to fix the window she broke. "Are you okay? I mean the only reason you'd be here is that you're-"

"Horny?" Veronica huffed, climbing onto the bed and pushing Jason onto his back.

"W-What? No, I-I was gonna say in danger.. What's going on?" He asked worriedly, his hands curling up to his chest nervously. He gazed up at Veronica's eyes, but before he could make eye contact he caught himself gazing at her breasts through her shirt. He immediately knew she wasn't wearing a bra, and that she had been fondling the buds. "O-Oh jeez.."

Jason glanced up at Veronica, to be honest he was a bit anxious as to what was going to happen. "Veronica?" He asked shakily.

"Hush, baby. Tonight, you're rocking my entire world with the beat of your bed.." She smirked, grabbing the bottoms of her shirt and lifting the fabric over her head, throwing it aside. Her hips began to move methodically up and down on JD's lap, his erection growing as he gazed upon her body.

"Oh my god.." He whispered, huffing and gripping his lover's perfect love handles, hesitantly helping her grind. "What suddenly caused uhm.. This?"

Veronica audibly chuckled, smirking down at her boyfriend. "Why you, of course.." She responded, "Now let's get you ready for me.." She added on, slowly getting onto the bed instead of JD's lap, sitting between his legs.

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