❤️Boyf Riends: I Can Fix it Myself⚠️

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The teacher's voice blared throughout the college lecture hall as he taught well over a hundred kids, each row of chairs higher than the first. A certain boy higher above the class lazily chewed on his pencil with his canine, digging holes into it with the tip. This wasn't his best class, and everyone knew, since he was always the one to cause a scene.

"Michael, please pay attention." The teacher warned. Usually, college was pretty fun. Teachers came to class in sweats and students jokingly pulled out whole watermelons or tupperwares of cereal with comically large spoons, and nobody gave a shit. But this teacher was old. He showed up to school everyday with a suit and tie as if any of them cared what he looked like. And when you fought back with him, you were punished.

"Why should I? It's just a dumb lecture, it doesn't matter to me." Michael grumbled. He was already annoyed by the amount of alphas flaunting their scents and flustering the omegas. It was all he could smell, he could barely focus. All of them mixed made matters worse, every alpha's scent clashed with another. Alone, they smelled divine to the omegas, like the smell of after-sex that made them go wild. But all together, it just smelled of gross sweat and body odor.

The teacher rolled his eyes and turned back to the board, continuing to speak. Michael continued to complain in his mind of the scents, when it started to shift. From his left he smelled the odor, and from his right, a smell that distracted all alphas combined. It quickly flooded the room's clean air, and soon Michael caught the eye of the culprit. "Oh my god." He stood up quickly. "Everyone cover your noses!" He shouted, pulling his long sleeve over his mouth and rushing all alphas away from the boy, panting and drooling at his seat.

A panic had set in as the boy's heat lured all alphas near, but Michael shoved them back. "Get out, go! Go!" He demanded. All the omegas searched their bags for a heat suppressant to provide the boy with. The teacher rushed up the steps and lifted the boy from his seat, snapping at the alphas who had yet to learn how to control themselves, some of their ruts already going insane.

Michael led everyone out of the room. He noticed the teacher struggling to carry the boy any longer. "Here. I'll take him." He offered, bringing the boy into his arms and continuing the race to the nurse's office.

"I'm- I'm sorry.. I din' mean to start a heat.. I must've f-forgotten my schedule.." The panting boy cried, his bottoms leaking into Michael's arms. Each touch of his body made him tremble and shiver, floods of slick seeping from him.

"Have you been taking your suppressants?" Michael asked. He was about to walk into the nurses office when the boy grabbed Michael's hair, making him grunt.

"I haven't had sex in so long.. I struggle with my heat alone because I-I can't pay for suppressants.." He hicced, "God, please make it go away.."

"Look, I'll take you to the nurse and they'll give you a suppressant. It'll be over real soon, got it?"

"No.. No, I know a faster way to get rid of it.." He coughed, starting to rock against Michael out of instinct. He couldn't help it, he would do anything to get rid of the pain boiling in his stomach. "Please, oh god.. Fuck me in the bathrooms.. No rules at all, just fuck me and knot me for as long as you possibly can.."

Michael would be lying if he said he didn't contemplate the offer. Free sex with no boundaries? "Are you sure? I-I mean- I will, but it's a lot faster to take suppressants.. How about we go back to my dorm? I don't have a roommate and I have plenty of places to fuck on.." He whispered. The boy seemed ecstatic.

"Yes please! Please hurry, you- don't even need to prep me! You can go right in and pound me.." He begged, the ideas of being plowed and railed for hours making his heat all the more difficult to stand.

Four Kinds of Broadway - Oneshots - 1-8OO-BROADWAYTHINGSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang