The guy chuckles. "You think you can take me? I'd like to see you try."

"That's it," Margo says under her breath. She quickly turns and makes her way to the glass, winding her arm back and preparing to slam it into the glass. "Ow- stop! Let me go! Fuck."

The security guard and a nurse are now restraining Margo, the security guard grabbing her arm before she had a chance to throw a punch.

"How pathetic," the guy shouts. "Poor little bitch can't even swing at me. Must suck to be fucking crazy." He's clearly taunting her, trying to get a reaction. It's working, too. Hell, he's making me fucking angry. Who speaks to a woman like that? To anyone like that?

Margo fights tirelessly against her restraints, kicking her legs angrily. "You're the reason I'm here in the first place you sick fuck! God, let me go!"

"No, no, babe," he tuts. "you're the sick one, remember?"

Finally, a nurse starts talking to the guy and orders him to leave. He says something back to her but their voices slowly fade until I can no longer hear them. All I can hear is Margo's struggling and the whispers of the few other patients that heard the commotion and came to check it out.

"Fucking finally!" Margo screams as she flips someone off after she gets one of her arms free. The guy, I assume. She keeps shaking her other arm and nearly slapping the security guard as she scowls at him.

Nurse Penny rushes past me, bumping into my arm as she runs to Margo's side.

"Let her go," she says to the other nurse. They comply and Margo puts her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath. "Margo, just breathe. He shouldn't have been let in. He used a fake name."

Has this happened before? Who was that? I have an idea, but he honestly could be anyone. I don't really know anything about Margo.

Margo laughs humorlessly again. She stands straight, looking at Penny with so much anger and hurt in her eyes. I can see her eyes filling with tears but she doesn't let any fall. Her frustration is rolling off of her in waves.

"Of course he fucking did. He tried to give me drugs, so," she turns to the security guard. "maybe your buddies in blue should go fucking arrest him."

The security guard's eyes widen as he walks away, mumbling something into his radio.

"Margo, I need you to calm down. Remember the breathing exercises?" Penny asks, her voice soft and calm.

Margo rolls her eyes. "I'm fucking calm. I just- fuck! I hate him. I hate him so much."

I'm assuming this guy is her ex-boyfriend. She's mentioned him a couple of times. Saying he "ruined her life" and all. From what I've seen, I don't doubt it. Why would he bring her drugs? Margo said he was the reason for her cigarette habit, but drugs?

I decide to stop eavesdropping and walk back to my room. I've already invaded her privacy enough by witnessing... whatever that was.

What a fucking asshole, though. Trying to give her drugs? Calling her sick and crazy when I'm pretty damn positive he's part of the reason she's here in the first place.

I should talk to her, check on her, but I don't want her to know I saw all that. It wasn't my place to eavesdrop like that, and I don't want to make her uncomfortable or embarrassed.

I decide to take a nap instead. I'm insatiably exhausted.

I set my alarm clock to go off a little before one so I don't sleep through group therapy, though I'm sure a nurse will wake me up beforehand. We're not really supposed to take naps.

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