Chapter 11 - Sun'ari

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Seated cross-legged in front of the Elder, Jolis listened attentively as the older tribal leader recounted the story of the Nahassi people.

He was surprised to learn that her people were the caretakers of the sacred grounds where the Council of Atophis met. Thinking back to long ago, Jolis remembered his first steps within the Council grounds while accompanied by a messenger from his village.

The ground beneath them was made of precisely placed stonework which, despite their age, looked unusually well maintained. The two followed the stone path deeper into the outdoor structure. Torches lit their way as Jolis noticed a larger structure up ahead. Numerous guards stood watch outside and, as the two walked, they could hear the rustling of trees on either side of them.

"We're entering sacred ground, Jolis," whispered the messenger. "Few commoners have ever stepped foot in this place. Every step within the borders of the council chambers are watched."

Turning his attention back to the Elder, she continued.

"Above all, we are servants," she uttered. "We not only assure that the grounds remained a closely guarded secret but that anyone or anything which entered without permission would be quickly dealt with."

Jolis chuckled at a memory which surfaced.

Recalling his meeting with the Council of Atophis where the fate of his communication device was supposed to be determined, he remembered Ulepi—the Opachi village wiseman—interrupting their meeting.

"Is there something funny?" asked the Elder.

"It's nothing," Jolis replied. "I was actually on the Council grounds during what I assume was their last meeting. We had an uninvited guest appear."

"Yes," she responded, "Ulepi."

Losing his breath at her response, Jolis asked, "You...know of Ulepi?"

"He was one of our number," the Elder replied. An annoyance could almost be heard in our voice. "This was long ago but he left on his own accord. He felt he could be a better service to the people of Atophis by living among them. As such, he departed from us."

"So that's where his stories came from," Jolis replied. "His wisdom."

"Wisdom is not a word I would use to describe an attribute possessed by Ulepi," the Elder chuckled. "He was always too eccentric but in the end, he served his purpose. Just as we all do."

Jolis paused for a moment, sensing those around him through the Force.

"You mentioned that you dealt with those who intruded on the Council grounds," he mentioned. "I feel great strength here among those in this room. Are there many warriors among you?"

"We are not warriors," she exclaimed. "Warriors are those who seek battle; to test themselves against the might and often the misfortunes of others; Much like the Maligi of old who used their skills in battle to prey upon the lesser tribes around them. For the Nahassi, our training is a combination of mind and body. We aim to set our identities aside and be at one with the perceived will of the Great Light. When the mind and body are strong, limitations are removed.

"Martial discipline is a means of uniting the mind and body into one," she continued. "You know this. Although we are capable in combat, we do not use this strength as a means of exacting our will over another."

Reaching out her hand, the Elder grabbed Jolis' left hand and held it tight.

"I can sense the sword in your hands," she uttered. "I can sense your strength, your power."

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