Freedom AU/FNAF (6)

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A friend recently asked me an interesting question about the married Anthro couples in my AU, and I decided to share the answers here because why not~

"Who's the better chef in the relationship?"

Here were my answers.


~Freddy and Chica, I think is pretty obvious. Chica is the one who cooks. Freddy only once set the kitchen on fire, but that was only because he got distracted at just the wrong moment. Otherwise, he can cook basic meals when need be, wether if he needs to cook for himself, or for Chica

~Foxy and Mangle, Foxy can cook seafood pretty well. It's sort of his specialty, and the twins love it. However, he can't bake to save his life, as whatever he tries to bake ends up being burnt. So, Vix does the baking instead.

~Springtrap and Spring Shine, Springtrap taught himself to cook when the gang came to Newer Home, since he has a son to feed. He's really gotten good at it, but does not go around bragging about it. (Plushy does, tho, because he loves his dad). Shine knows the basics of "homeless cuisine"—I don't even think that's a term xD—and that's the best she can do. She won't let anyone go hungry, but there have been a few times where people would rather go hungry than eat what she's cooked, but nobody's told her this

~Puppet and Ballora, Puppet has absolutely zero experience with food other than eating it. He doesn't feel he can be trusted to be left alone in a kitchen with a cookbook. What he will do, however, is sometimes he will help Ballora chop up veggies for meals and watch what she does—just in case he ever needs to cook, then he'll have a reference to go off of. Ballora is pretty good at cooking, like at an average level. She doesn't have, like, a passion for cooking or anything, but she can make decent meals that feed the family at dinner time without any complaints. There's been a few occasions where she'll accidentally mix up spices in a recipe, but hey, we've all done that xD

~Bonnie and Toy Chica, they're both pretty good at cooking, and nobody has ever set any kitchens on fire. Toy used to be bad at cooking, but she's learned from Chica, especially since she works for her, and now she's not half bad. Bonnie learned how to cook from Toy, who shared her knowledge Chica taught her. They'll also learn new cooking techniques together.


Was gonna put this in an announcement, but I finally came head-to-head with the character limits, and at that point, if it's too many characters long, the it has to be a headcanon chapter. That is just my own personal law, or something now, apparently xD

Hope you have a lovely day, and thanks for reading 🙇‍♀️

AU Headcanons (Because Why Not?)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें