Chapter One Hundred and Eighty-Four - Too Good to be True

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Eden's chosen birthday came and went, four days later was Dean's. They mixed up the holidays in between at Mrs Butters' recommendation, so a makeshift Thanksgiving also occurred.
The weeks turned to months, there was an out-of-season Halloween, fourth of July party in April, everyone was enjoying the new routine.
Willow had become an incredible young Hunter and Eden's belly grew bigger and bigger each week.

Soon enough, Sam's thirty-eighth birthday rolled around.
He blew out his candles at the top end of the map table, earning a round of applause from those gathered round him.
"Hey, Mrs B, when it's my birthday, can I put in the request to have the rice krispie treats?" A hopeful Dean asked.
"Oh... Dear, at your age, I wouldn't think you'd want to celebrate your birthday anymore." Mrs Butters shook her head.
Eden and Willow choked on their respective glasses of blood as Jack forced out a scoffed chuckle of disbelief.
Mrs Butters also couldn't hold her amusement in for long.
"There's an extra batch just for you next to the fridge." She smirked.
Dean placed his beer down on the map table, already turning to head to the kitchen.
"You are the best!" He growled excitedly.
In response, the woman blew on her party blower, giggling.

A couple of weeks later, Sam and Eden had a date, organised as a surprise by their beloved housekeeper.
"Nothing feels like me anymore." Eden whined, looking over her fitted black sparkling evening gown in the mirror, turning to the side to run her hands over her thirty-four week old bump.
"You look incredible. You're glowing. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were an Angel." Sam reassured her, coming up behind her to look at her through the glass, his hands placed delicately on her stomach.
"You're obligated to say that." She playfully glared.
"And yet, I still mean it." He chuckled, kissing her temple before releasing her again. "Best hurry, we don't want to miss that boat."
"Said countless passengers of the Titanic." Eden smirked, adjusting the onyx necklace dangling between her collar bones.

"Oh, don't you two look a picture!" Mrs Butters gushed as the pair came out to the War room. "Speaking of..."
She wandered overto the map table, where an old Polaroid camera sat.
"Really Mrs B? It's just a date." Eden chuckled.
"We haven't enough photographs of you two pre-baby. We should get them in while we can!" The woman grinned. "Smile!"
Sam put his arm around Eden's middle, his other hand resting on her bump. Eden took to placing one hand over his on her stomach and the other on his back. The camera flashed and the Polaroid came spilling out of it.
"There!Now everything is perfect." Mrs Butters tittered as she shook the photo.
"Wow! You guys look awesome. Where is it tonight? Mini golf? The opera? Mile high club?" Dean grinned as he came out from the kitchen corridor with a nervous looking Jack and Willow in tow.
"A boat party on Lake Superior, actually." Eden smiled. "Speaking of which, they'll be boarding in two minutes. Shall we go?"
She looked up to Sam, who nodded.
"We'll see you guys later." He said before Eden took his hand and they vanished.
Mrs Butters headed out of the room, and so Jack took his opportunity.
He grabbed Willow's wrist and pulled her in the same direction, putting a finger to his lips.
"Mrs Butters is a Thule experiment." He whispered.
Willow stopped, pulling him to a halt.
"Whatare you talking about?" She frowned.
"Mrs Butters. I found her old Men of Letters file. There was an old piece of film. They did experiments. The Men of Letters were using her as their own personal executioner. She killed two hundred people before they got to her!" He hissed, trying to keep his voice down.
"Jack, are you sure? She's been nothing but kind to us all these months..." Willow remained skeptical.
"I'm sure." The boy nodded. "You know I wouldn't do anything to hurt this family. That's why I'm doing this. You should've seen the film, Willow. She could hurt Sam and Dean. She could hurt you."
The Vampire sighed, looking away from him.

The pair found her in the cell, facing away from them.
"We know what you are." Jack announced, making her turn around sharply.
"And what's that?" She asked.
"I saw the film."
"And how did it make you feel?"
Jack's brows raised.
"Feel? I don't understand..."
"Of course you do..." Mrs Butters sighed, shaking her head. "You enjoyed seeing that man- well, no... Nazis are hardly men - Thatdog's death. You relished his pain. Didn't you, Jack?"
"What? No!" The boy frowned, making Willow do the same. The woman looked at him expectantly until he realised something. "Wait... You wanted me to find it. Is this some kind of test? To what? See if I'm blood-thirsty? Dangerous?"
"Aren't you?" Mrs Butters asked.
"No." The teens shook their heads.
"Yes." The woman nodded hers. "You are! Eden, Sam and Dean-"
"No, that's not-" Jack cut himself off, taking a breath. "They know..."
"Know what?" Mrs Butters challenged, taking a step towards them. "How powerful you are? How powerful you've become? Because I do. They should be scared of you!"
"I would never hurt them." Jack countered.
"Jack, what is she talking about?" Willow asked, taking a step back from the woman in particular.
"You have before." Mrs Butters continued. "Haven't you? Have you hurt Willow?"
"No! I would never hurt her." The Nephilim snapped.
"You will. It's in your nature. It's only a matter of time." The woman turned away, slowly wandering the cell. "Have you ever thought that Sam, Dean and Eden keep you here, closed in, secure, because they're scared that you'll do to someone else what you did to their mother? Now that I'm here, they will never have to worry about you again."
As she turned back to face them, she waved her hand.
Jack's body tensed before it flew across the room, hitting the wall first and then the floor.
"Jack!" Willow shrieked.
She went to help her brother, but Mrs Butters used her powers again, stopping the young Vampire from moving any further.
"What are you doing?" Jack panted as he rose to his feet.
"What I've always done." Mrs Butters replied. "I'm protecting my family."
Jack's eyes sparked their golden colour and he raised his hand.
When nothing happened and his eyes flickered back to their usual blue, he frowned as Willow did.
"Jack? What's happening?" The girl asked, struggling against the woman's invisible bonds.
"What... What did you do to me?" Jack was breathless as Mrs Butters took his hands and slapped the Enochian cuffs on his wrists.
"You didn't think those smoothies were for your health, did you?" She scoffed. "Oh, I've learned a few things while I've been doing the dusting around here - a little yarrow root, some ground jaw bone for texture, a little bit of lavender and mint to mask the potion from Eden's senses and voila! You're as weak as a puppy."

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