Chapter One Hundred and Three - The Sales Pitch

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It had only been a few days later, after Sam had gone back to Kansas, that she got a call from him to come right away. He didn't give specifics, but it sounded rather serious.
"What's happened and why couldn't I be told on the phone?" She asked, walking into the Bunker.
Mary, Dean and Sam were sat at the map table. Mary had the face of a scolded child.
"You wanna tell her or should we?" Dean asked her.
Mary sighed, getting up from her seat to properly address the Dark Angel.
"I've been working with the British Men of Letters. The case that led to Ramiel was one they'd assigned me to."
Eden visibly tensed up. She looked passed Mary to Sam.
"You should've told me on the phone." She growled, looking back to the mother. "Pigeon almost died – the boys almost died. Hell, I don't even care that you sent me in barely healed – couldn't give a single crap. But, you put my boys in danger without telling us the full story."
"I know..." Mary hung her head.
"Was it worth it? Did you get everything you'd hoped for? Were they satisfied with your work?" Eden continued.
"No, I- they didn't tell me that it was Ramiel we were after. I never would've included any of you if they'd said that." The woman protested.
Eden looked over at Sam again, pointing an accusing finger at him.
"You should've told me on the bloody phone." She repeated, storming off towards the corridors.
The next thing they hear is the slam of a door and several gunshots coming from what sounded like – or rather, what they hoped was – the shooting range.
"You should probably go before she sees you again." Sam said to his mother, getting up from his seat.

"The bloody nerve of that woman." Eden hissed, firing three more rounds into the already obliterated target at the other end of the room. "Friggin' women. No wonder I always end up surrounding myself with bloody men. Less tossing drama."
"Hey..." Sam stood in the doorway, plugging his ears as she shot a few more rounds, emptying the clip. "You okay?"
Eden let out a vocalised sigh, dropping the gun down on the table in front of her before wandering over to hug his waist.
"I should be asking you that. She's your mother." She mumbled.
Sam wrapped his arms around her shoulders, resting his chin on her head.
"Dare I say I've almost been expecting this? She said she needed space, but as Dean said before you got here, clearly she just needed space from us." He uttered.
"That's not how parenting works. You put your kids first, yourself later. No exceptions." She retorted, sighing again. "Not until you're in an old people's home and can't pee by yourself, anyway."
Sam let out a soft chuckle.
"Yeah, well, it can't be helped, you know? Have you fed since Vamp Town?" Eden shook her head. "Well, no wonder you blew up on her like that. Come on, let's get you something to drink."

That night, the first night they'd spent together in too long, Sam was having nightmares again. He tossed and turned so much that it woke Eden up. She sighed, pressing her fingertips to his temple.
Images flashed. The Cage, Lucifer, Mary, a tiny cell Eden presumed to be the one he and Dean had been kept in by the Secret Service...
"Damn it, Sam..." She whispered. "Why don't you talk to me about these things?"
She focused her energy, fixating on transferring his nightmare to her brain, losing consciousness just as Sam's body released its tension.

Four days and two nightmares later, Eden walked into the War room with her glass of blood just as Dean left with a slam of the Bunker door.
"What's his problem?" She frowned, moving to sit next to Sam at the map table.
"He's still pissed about mom. He doesn't wanna talk about it and he's chosen to take it out on me because I think we should reach out to her and discuss it like adults." He replied, picking up his phone. "I got a text from her." He frowned.
"Saying?" Eden pressed, sipping her blood.
"She says we need to meet, that it's urgent."
"I'm guessing by the look on your face that you're going." She cocked a brow. "Need me to stay here, or..?"
"No, I want you with me." Sam shook his head, gesturing to the glass in her hand. "Finish up and get dressed."

Eden had taken to dressing a little more like Elizabeth in recent days, opting for a black tank top, skinnies, combat boots and leather trench coat.
They drove to an address Mary had given them – an old military building, by the looks of things.
Mary was waiting outside for them by a security gate.
"Thanks for coming." She said as they got out of the car.
"What's so urgent?" Sam asked coldly, tucking his hands into the pockets of his navy blue jacket.
"Sam, I messed up." She sighed. "I know I messed up. But, what the British Men of Letters are doing- this is bigger than us. We've got a real shot here."
"A shot at what?" Sam shook his head.
"A world without monsters – a world where you and Dean don't have to hunt. Where you can have normal lives. You told me about your plans with Eden? Well, you can have that with what these guys are doing." She told him.
"I chose this life." Sam replied.
"I know." Mary nodded. "But, you were going to school – to college. I get why you gave it up. But, what if you didn't have to? What if there was a different future for you - for us? That's why I'm doing this; that is what I'm fighting for. I am not trying to recruit you, but you need to know. Things are changing." As she spoke, she backed away, placing her hand on the security pad to her right, opening the large wired gate behind her. "Please, just let me show you."

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