Chapter Eighty-Five - The Ninja Turtle

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"Anything?" Dean asked as he walked into the War room with two cups of coffee and a glass of blood in his hands.
"Nada." Sam replied from the head of the map table. Dean placed a cup down for him. "Thanks."
"Yeah." Dean groaned, leaning over the table to pass Eden her blood.
"Mm, thank you." The girl smiled, sipping straight from it as the older brother sat down, giving her a nod.
"You know, I can't believe I'm gunna say this, but, for once I actually wish Rowena was here." Sam smirked. "You know, maybe she could track down Amara without putting Eden in the firing line. She's done it before."
"Yeah, but you can bet she and the book are gunna stay stashed until this whole thing is over." Dean mumbled, looking over to Eden. "Don't suppose you could zap on outta here and pick her up?"
"Sure." Eden nodded. She closed her eyes, picturing the Witch, but... Nothing happened. "Okay, either she's not on Earth, Heaven or Hell or she's found a way to ward herself from me."
"Great..." Dean huffed. "Where's Chuck?"
"Sleeping in, I guess?" Sam shrugged.
"Does God sleep?" Dean's eyes narrowed.
"I know he takes really long showers." The younger brother replied.
"Right? And sings too, like, crappy old folk songs. I had to tell him to cool it three times." The older sipped his coffee.
Sam and Eden glanced to each other, with equally amused glimmers in their eyes.
"You told God to 'cool it?'" Sam smirked.
"Yeah, I sleep." Dean retorted.
"You know, I know this is a really strange... Situation and all, but, it's also really amazing." Sam said.
"Bunking with God is 'amazing?'" Eden cocked a brow, sipping her blood. "I must have missed that memo."
"It's God, you know? Sure, he's a huge dick, but there's so many thing I wanna ask him, like... The planets; why are they round? Or ears, I always thought they were strange." Sam mused.
"Okay, fanboy, calm down." Dean scoffed, earning a snigger from the girl opposite him. "Let's focus. We gotta find Lucifer before it's too late."
"Too late?" Sam frowned.
Dean and Eden shared a glance.
"Amara is... She's in my head." The older brother sighed. "I didn't ask for it, okay, but she showed up. She showed me visions of Lucifer - and by Lucifer, I mean Cas and he looks like crap. Like, she's really doing a number on him."
"That's what you guys spoke about last night?" Sam asked, earning a nod from the pair just as Chuck walked in wearing Dean's grey robe and carrying a box of donuts. "Hey, mornin'."
"Is that my robe?" Dean frowned, looking back at him.
"I'm telling you guys," Chuck said, sitting on the edge of the map table. "It's a mistake to be getting mixed up with Lucifer. As much as it pained me, I had to walk away. Too much drama. Do you have any bacon?"
Eden rolled her eyes.
"You eat bacon?" Dean looked a little too pleased.
"Yeah." Chuck replied.
"Now who's fanboying?" Eden smirked.
"Uh, hey guys, something just came up." Sam spoke up, looking at his laptop. "The 'Amara fog', uh, hit another town."
"And?" Dean pressed.
"And this one wasn't as lucky as the last one. Thousands died - uh, everybody died. Oh, except for one man."
The older brother looked up at Chuck, who was sipping his coffee.
"How'd you miss that one?" He asked.
"She's baiting me." Chuck replied. "I can't respond everytime. I won't be manipulated."
"Yeah, but thousands of people are dead."
"Unfortunately." Chuck replied with his mouth full of powdered donut. "So, find her."
Eden scoffed, shaking her head.
"And there's my cue before I hurt someone." She muttered, getting up. "I'm going to make you all breakfast, extra bacon for the Lord almighty. Don't kill each other."
She gave Chuck a glare from the corner of her eye as she walked passed him.
The brothers watched her leave, then looked up at Chuck.
"Go and apologise." Dean told him.
"Why?" Chuck frowned.
"Because it's only been a day and watching you two have constant one-sided glaring matches at each other is getting annoying. Plus, she's making you breakfast, so it's the least you can do. Especially after everything you did to her." The older brother retorted.
Chuck all but rolled his eyes, trudging off in the direction of the kitchen.

"What do you want, Chuck..?" Eden sighed, not even having to turn around and face him to know who it was.
"I, uh, just thought you could use some company, you know, since you're making us breakfast out of the goodness of your heart and all." He gave a nervous smile as he rounded the island counter.
"Send Sam in then." She retorted, placing the bacon into the heated frying pan on the stove.
Chuck closed his eyes, minding his patience.
"Look, Eden, I just wanted to apologise for everything I've done over the... Eons. Looking back, I see that it was a little unfair on you."
"Are you saying that because you mean it or just because Dean told you to?" She asked, moving to the fridge to grab the eggs.
"When have you ever known me to do anything just because someone told me to?" He smirked.
"When have I ever known you, at all, Chuck? You were just a voice in a scary cave to me." Eden countered, finally bothering to look at him as she scrambled the eggs and added them to the pan.
"Touché... But my point still stands. I don't do things because someone told me to - especially not a Human." Chuck scoffed.
"Ah yes, because you're so much better than Humans." Eden retorted.
"No, that's... Not what I meant." He groaned. "Look, I've apologised. Do you forgive me or not?"
"You expect me to forgive you for thousands of years of torture and an assassination attempt just because you finally decided to apologise on someone else's whim?" She scowled at him. Chuck just stared at her blankly. She sighed. "It's a start, alright? Enjoying the breakfast I make and telling me that you couldn't have created anything better yourself would be another step. Now go back into the War room and wait. I'll bring it out when it's done."
Chuck gave a small smile before nodding and scuttling out of the room.
Whilst the bacon and eggs were cooking, Eden took a small trip to Paris to grab some freshly made croissants and crepes. Then, she went to a small village in England for some fresh summer fruits.
Half of the map table was covered in breakfast items by the time breakfast was put out.
"Holy crap." Dean's eyes were wide.
"Holy crepe, you might say." Sam charged the rolled up crepe filled with sliced strawberries in his hand like a wine glass before tucking in.
"I don't do things by half." Eden shrugged, sitting back down and grabbing her fresh glass of blood, watching everyone enjoying their meals.
"Wow, Eden. This is incredible." Chuck said with his mouth full of eggs and toast. "And no, I'm not just saying that because of what we talked about. I actually mean it. How did you know how I like my bacon?"
"Apparently you like it how Dean likes it." Eden replied.

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