Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Seven - Different Ideas

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On the second night at the High School, Eden was handing out food to the townspeople, glancing over at Cas and Sam walking through the foyer, discussing the latest events.
By this time, a whole bunch of other Hunters had arrived, helping to try and control the ghosts within the town's perimeter.
The Dark Angel frowned as Sam spoke with one of them, sending him away with instructions. She turned to a man sat next to her, who was helping give out the food.
"Could you hold the fort for a little while? I need to go and speak with my colleague." She asked.
"Of course. Take your time." He replied, watching as she nodded and walked off.
"How's things?" She frowned, approaching the two.
"Apparently a woman's gone missing. I've just asked the Hunters to keep a look out." Sam explained, lazily walking to a small set of stairs to address the people. "Can I have your attention? Excuse me! Uh, can I-"
Eden sighed, standing next to him and putting her fingers in her mouth to release a screeching whistle that instantly silenced the entire room.
"Thanks..." Sam muttered, lifting his head slightly to address the people. "Great. First off, we expect to have you back in your homes shortly. EPA techs will be here tomorrow to determine the source of the elevated Benzine levels and how to properly respond. In the meantime, it is essential that you stay out of the quarantine zone until it's safe. Thanks... Okay, any questions?"
The pair watched as almost everyone raised their hands.
Eden looked up at Sam, who appeared more than a little overwhelmed, so decided to take the lead.
"Uh, yes. You." She gestured to a Caucasian man in his fifties, who lowered his hand.
"Yeah, my son needs his epilepsy meds. We weren't expecting to be here for this long. Can I go get them?"
"No, is the simple answer. However, if you give me your address, I will personally go and collect them for you." She replied, her eyes scanning the room for the next question. "Okay, if anyone has a question about any medication left behind, can someone please find some paper and a pen, list down the names of the medication needed and your address. I will go on a round as soon as we're done here."
Several hands went down as the man she'd left at the food stand held up a notepad and pen.

Many questions later, the notepad finally made it back to Eden, who left immediately after grabbing several small bags from the High School reception area.
Just as she arrived to the first house on the list, she received a text from Dean.
Impala 1: Sam said you were doing a med run. Belphegor's just now decided to mention that these aren't normal ghosts. Jack the Ripper's out there. Watch your back.
Eden: Jesus... Okay. Thanks for letting me know.
The Dark Angel sighed, slipping her phone back into her pocket as she opened the medicine cabinet, selecting the right ones to put in their own little bag.

Several houses down, Eden encountered her first out-of-the-ordinary spirit.
In front of her, appeared a short, white-bearded Caucasian man in his late fifties, glaring menacingly at her over his wide, thin-rimmed glasses.
"Harold Shipman." Eden nodded her approval. "Believed to have killed somewhere around two hundred and fifty people between nineteen seventy-five and nineteen ninety-eight in northern England. How interesting to see you here."
"A fan, I see." The man gave a grimacing smile.
"Wouldn't go that far, but I'm familiar with your work. 'Doctor Death' suited you, sir. But, let's be fair, those two mistakes you made that got you caught? Rookie errors. I'm disappointed, considering your body count. It's like you wanted to be caught." The Dark Angel chuckled.
The man frowned.
"You don't fear me." He stated.
"Why would I? You're only a ghost. What are you gunna do? Spook me to death?" Eden scoffed. "Now, if you don't mind, I have errands to run. Unless you want to help, of course. You being a pharmacist and all..."
With that, she walked off, leaving a very confused ghost behind.

It was daybreak by the time she'd finished the rounds and returned to the High School, leaving many bewildered ghosts in her wake.
She called out the addresses of those who needed medication and handed them out accordingly.
Looking over the crowd, she frowned, seeing a few people unaccounted for.
"I just think we need to tell the family something. I mean, we found his wife's body!" Castiel argued when Eden walked into the school office.
"Cas, we will. When we can." Sam snapped.
"When we can?" The Angel narrowed his eyes.
"Yes. We have people behind that door who are barely keeping it together." The Winchester retorted, pointing with a pen in his hand towards where Eden had just come from. "If we start talking murder-"
"Yeah, this is riveting, but I've just noticed two more people are missing." The Dark Angel interrupted.
"Knock, knock." A familiar Scottish tongue sounded behind her. Eden turned around to see Rowena with a bright smile on her face. "Am I interrupting something juicy?"
"No." Sam muttered. "Rowena, thanks for coming."
"Eden, Samuel." She greeted, wandering over to Cas. "Oh! Castiel... A town full of ghosts? Messy, even by Winchester standards."
"We were hoping you could help." Sam replied.
"Can you boys do nothing on your own?" The Witch shook her head, placing her handbag down on the table in front of her.
"I ask myself that a lot..." Eden sighed.
"Very well." Rowena chuckled at the comment. "What do you want?"
"Remember a couple of years ago when we were trying to get rid of Amara?" Sam started.
"God's sister, aye. Sticky business, that." She gave a disapproving look between the boys.
"You made a crystal device – a bomb." Castiel recalled.
"You want to blow up the ghosts?" Rowena raised her brows.
"No. But the bomb was powered by souls – souls that were sucked into it." Sam elaborated.
"I guess I'll just go handle the missing people problem on my own, then. Since you lot are clearly too busy to listen." Eden huffed, swiftly leaving the room.

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