Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Three - Lucifer

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To say they'd gotten distracted was a rather large understatement.
Jared, Gen, the kids, Eden and Jensen were sat in the Green Room with beers - juice boxes for the kids.
"Nope. Sorry, the Impala was a classic. I love that thing." Jensen shook his head.
"Careful Jensen, your Dean is showing." Eden smirked, putting her beer bottle to her lips. "I already proved to Dean my Camaro's better, anyway. He took me to an abandoned air strip once and we had a drag race. I beat him. Twice."
"You've been driving since cars existed, though, right?" Jared pointed out.
"That's what he said. To which I said he was just making excuses for being beaten by a girl. So... My conclusion is that my baby is better than his... Now, can we talk about how Chuck is in a band? Because that's hilarious to me."
"Ackles performs with them all the time. It's awesome." Jared smiled.
Eden watched as they gave each other a look, reminding her of her boys.
"You're like actual brothers." She thought aloud. "Last time I was here, I heard you two weren't getting along. What was up with that?"
"You flick through topics like crazy, you know that?" Jensen laughed.
"I have a lot to talk about." Eden shrugged, sipping her beer.
"You wanna know what straightened us out?" Jared cocked a brow at her.
Eden nodded eagerly.
"That missing forty-eight hours. We were hearing all kinds of crap from those days that we supposedly did, people complimenting us on how close we seemed to be again despite everyone thinking we were on drugs or something. Kinda gave us some perspective. Everyone seemed really happy and we realised there wasn't really a point to us hating each other. So, we sat in Jared's house, I was introduced to the alpacas and I was sold. Aired out all our crap and it went from there. So, I guess we should be thanking Balthazar for that, but since we can't, I'll thank you instead for being the best and weirdest colleague councillor ever." Jensen tipped his beer at her.
"Seriously? People telling you about hanging out with some random girl for two days made you become friends again?" Eden scoffed. "Wow... You couldn't write this crap."
"Dude, the fans are always talking about a French Mistake part two, right?" Jared looked to his co-star, who nodded. "Maybe this is it. Not exactly what they imagined, maybe, but it might be as good as it's gunna get. We should put this idea to Bob."
"Woah, woah, woah... What the Hell is a 'French Mistake?'" Eden frowned.
"It was the name of the episode where Sam and Dean became us." Jared explained.
"So... You; Jared and Jensen... Played Sam and Dean... Playing Jared and Jensen." She cocked a brow as they nodded. "Wow, no wonder you never had that many viewers... Who writes this? Am I even in it yet?"
"Uh, no. You're definitely something we haven't come across before." Jensen laughed.
"Probably for the best. Wouldn't want to be caught on camera drooling over my fiance's other worldly wife." Eden scratched the nape of her neck.
"I'm flattered." Gen giggled. "How did that even happen? You and Sam, I mean. And the rest of it, while you're at it. I'm interested to know how you fit into the Supernatural world. All you've specifically said is that you hunted with John and Bobby."
Eden smiled, looking down at the beer bottle in her lap.
"It was a bit crazy, to be honest. Bobby called and asked for assistance with the apocalypse. Sam went to the Cage then came back a few days later. The boys got that wall put up in his head to protect him from his Cage memories. After the wall came down, I stayed by his bedside. Sang to him to soothe him, poured my heart out, not expecting him to actually remember it. But, he did and that was when our first kiss happened. That was when Pigeon decided to try and become God number two. We'd never exactly called ourselves exclusive until after Becky put a spell on Sam and married him. That was... Fun."
Jared chuckled.
"I'm guessing that's how that picture earlier came about."
"Spot on, sir, spot on." Eden smirked. "I couldn't resist. He just looked so defenceless, I had to. But, yeah, everything was great, we would've come out with the 'I love you's, but then fate decided to kick us in the arse and I ended up in Purgatory with Dean and Pigeon. Got back and went through the Earth's longest identity crisis, turned from a Vampire to the universe's only Angel of Darkness, we went all meta again when we saw some kids putting on a musical of Supernatural. Beyond weird, believe me. Met my brother; Cain. Then Dean killed him. That was a whole thing. Argued with the Book of the Damned. Apparently it didn't like me very much because it burned me on impact. Then Amara came along and gave me back my memories and then later on, my powers. I went off with Lucifer high on celestial energy. Big mistake, I know. I've learned from it. It made my relationship with Sam rocky, to say the least, for a couple of months. God is terrified of me, by the way. Being the only thing he can't see or control has it's perks."
"Care to elaborate on that?" Gen asked.
Eden laughed.
"Sure." She shrugged. "Being made by Amara and not Chuck, he isn't so omnipotent when it comes to me. I can't kill him or anything, that I know of. But we learned that killing either of them would result in a chaotic, unbalanced universe, so I wouldn't want to anyway."
"Okay, so that's, what, season eleven covered?" Jensen frowned, earning a nod from Jared. "What about all the stuff since?"
"Well, Mary came back into the picture and then left. Dean killed Hitler, I got celestial zapped by Lucifer and was slowly dying. The boys learned that I helped Lucifer create the Princes of Hell back in the day. That would've caused tension if I had known I did that when I met John, but I didn't, so it didn't."
"Woah, you helped create the Princes of Hell?" Jared's brows raised.
"Yeah, back in the day. Lucifer and I needed something new to play with. Except they're made with a piece of my soul. So killing them also killed that piece. I got Dagon's piece back with the help of an unborn Jack, we're trying to achieve the same with Asmodeus, but we'll see. I seem to manage just fine with a quarter of my soul anyway." Eden shrugged. "Less recently, we were on our way to take down the British Men of Letters when Sam popped the question, like it was the last thing he was ever going to say. I told him I'd give him an answer when we both walked out of there and I did. The British Men of Letters are bastards, by the way. Getting into things they couldn't handle and getting me killed..."
"How did that happen?" Gen frowned.
"Um... Got my neck snapped and ripped a part by my mother's Alpha Vampire. Who knew it was so easy, right? I'm pretty sure Amara revived me, but we're not entirely positive on that. She took her sweet time doing it, too. I think I was gone for about five months or something. Sam asked me to marry him again after that. Obviously, I said yes. And then a little bit after that, Pigeon and I were chosen to be Jack's guardians, Pigeon died and I was left to be a mother figure. Sam helped. He's amazing at it, honestly. But, a few weeks ago, Jack accidentally killed someone and went a little off the rails. We got him back and the next thing we know, we're trying to open up a portal to Apocalypse world and I buggered it up for myself by thinking of this place and here I am. The end." Eden took a deep breath.
"Why the Hell aren't you in the show?" Jared scoffed. "We'd probably have double the viewers."
"And that's with her just standing there." Gen looked the Dark Angel up and down. "Imagine what would happen if she actually had lines."
Jared gave her a look much like the one Sam gave Eden when she made some sort of joking flirtatious advance.
Eden cracked up.
"Oh, I know that look. I get that way too often." She smirked. "Thank you, Gen."
"Sounds to me like you're on the Wayward Sisters episode." Jensen told her.
"You've already been through this?" Eden frowned, leaning forward in her seat. "How does it end? It might give me and idea how to get back."
Jensen looked to Jared and vice versa, with awkward expressions.
"Well, Jack went to get Mary from Apocalypse world, Sam and Dean are in Kaia's bad place. Jody, Donna, Claire, Kaia and Patience rescue Sam and Dean, but they needed to be where the portal re-opened."
"Great... How am I supposed to know where the portal re-opens here?" Eden slumped down in her seat, taking a big gulp of her beer. "And who the Hell is Patience?"
"She's a psychic Dean and Jody saved. Probably a few weeks back for you by the sounds of it." Jensen replied.
"Oh... Yeah, I heard Dean went off on a case with Jody... We weren't exactly on speaking terms back then - what with his whole approach to Jack." Eden rolled her eyes.
"The portal... It would probably emit a massive amount of celestial energy. You might be able to feel it." Jared shrugged.
"I like your thinking Not-Sam. How very 'Winchester' of you. But the portal is light celestial energy. It's not strong enough for me to pick up on it. I need..." She gasped when she realised. "I need a light Angel."
"Yeah, hate to break it to you, but we're kinda short on those in this universe." Jensen cocked a brow.
"No. No, you're not. I have a friend in Los Angeles who might be able to lend a hand." Eden explained. "Can I borrow someone's phone?"
Jared pulled his out, handing it to her. Eden sprang into action, placing her beer bottle down on the coffee table as she googled the number for her friend's establishment.
"You have friends in this universe?" Gen frowned.
"First, ouch. Second, yes. Last time I was here wasn't my first time either." The Dark Angel replied. "A powerful friend who owns a nightclub. Mind if I call him with this? Not sure my service provider reaches across universes."
Jared waved a hand towards her.
"Yeah, of course."
Eden nodded, dialling the number and putting the phone to her ear.
"Lux." A bored woman answered.
"That Maze?" Eden asked.
"Yeah. Who wants to know?" The woman retorted.
"It's Elizabeth Smythe. We met when you and Lucifer first arrived in LA."
"Oh, hey." The smile in the Demon's voice appeared. "You want the boss?"
"If possible." Eden nodded.
"Did you just say Lucifer?" Jensen frowned. "As in Lucifer Lucifer?"
Eden nodded.
"You've got one too, you know. He's not so bad. Nothing like the one in my universe."
Jared, Gen and Jensen glanced to one another. Gen subconsciously hugged her daughter; Odette, closer to her chest.
"Elizabeth, darling! How the me are you?" Lucifer's smooth, naturally flirtatious, English voice rang through the speaker.
"Hey, Luci. I was wondering if you, by any chance, felt anything celestial and new happen recently." Eden replied.
"Oh, no foreplay, straight to the party. I like your style. Define 'new'."
"The literal definition... Something similar to a feeling you may or may not have had about three or four hours ago." The Dark Angel gritted her teeth.
"And there I thought I was just too sober." The Devil replied. "I felt something during that time frame. Was that when you appeared?"
"Yes. I'm trying to find a way back and I've learned that there might be another portal somewhere."
"Interesting... Where are you?" He asked.
"San Francisco."
"Well, Mazikeen and I haven't seen you in an age. You could always stop by and we could help you find your portal." Lucifer suggested.
"Um... Sure. I can do that." Eden nodded, glancing over to Jensen, Jared and Gen who were making hushed conversation.
"Excellent. It'd be nice to hear you play piano again." Lucifer smiled.
"Sure. I'll see you soon then." She nodded, hanging up the phone.
"You're leaving?" Jared asked. "Things didn't sound all too positive on this end."
"They weren't. But, Lucifer asked if I could stop by, maybe help me find a back-up plan if this portal doesn't show up." Eden explained, handing his phone back. "Look, this has been really fun - weird as hell, but fun. Plus, my boys need me. I need to find a way back."
"Of course." Gen smiled, leaning over to place her hand on the Dark Angel's knee. "We get it. Family's everything, right?"
"Right." Eden smiled back.
They got up, giving the girl a hug each.
"Have you got your picture?" The oldest child asked.
Eden reached into her back pocket, retrieving a folded up piece of paper, waving it at him.
"Of course. Wouldn't want to leave without that now, would I?" She smirked.
Tom shook his head, running over to her to hug her leg.
"If things don't work out, feel free to call." Jared told her, taking the piece of paper to note his number down on the back, plus returning her Angel Blade from the shelf behind him.
"Thank you. I will." Eden nodded. "Thank you for this, guys. I never thought that, in my old age, I'd get to experience anything new. But, this? This has been amazing."
"Glad we could do that for ya." Jensen grinned.

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