Chapter Seventy-Two - Amara

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The sound of a woman's singing interrupted their research.
Sam instantly grabbed his gun, glancing to Elizabeth, who frowned.
They walked out into the corridor, following the sound of the woman as she sang 'Oh, Death' by Jen Titus.
An African-American woman in an eggplant coloured leather jacket was crouched down by one of the infected, facing away from the pair as they approached her.
"Hey, Sam." She said. "Hello, Eden."
"How do you know our names?" Sam asked, pointing his gun at her. "Who are you?"
"Hm." She smiled, getting up to face them. "I think you mean 'what.' Here's a hint; you two and your brother have been real good for business lately."
"You're a Reaper." Sam's face washed over with realisation.
"Circle gets the square." The woman's smile grew.
"What's your name?" The Winchester asked, lowering his gun.
"Are you flirtin' with me, kid?" She smirked, glancing to Elizabeth as she moved towards them. "Because, no offence, but, three's a crowd and you ain't my type. And I'm not looking to get friendly with the man who helped gut my boss."
"I'm sorry about... Death." Sam replied sincerely.
"So am I." The Reaper replied. "But, people are still dying so... Work to do, souls to collect, messages to deliver."
"What kinda messages?" Sam asked.
"It's over." She told them.
"What's over?"
"You and Dean. Dying and coming back again and again? The old Death thought it was funny. But now? There's one hard, fast rule in this universe – what lives, dies. So the next time you or your brother bite it? Well, you're not going to Heaven or Hell. One of us, and lord, I hope it's me, are gunna make a mistake and toss you out into the Empty. And nothing comes back from that."
She paused as she approached him further.
"I know you're dying." She continued. "I can feel it. You're unclean - in the biblical sense. So, I'll be seeing you again, Sam. Seeing you real soon. Goodbye, Eden. Name's Billie, by the way."
She walked back down the corridor, leaving them in a stunned silence.

As they walked back to the exam room, Sam caught sight of himself in the reflection of one of the tablets on a reception desk. He pulled his flannel's collar back, revealing the extent of the infection.
"We'll find a cure, Sam." Elizabeth told him, placing a hand on his arm. "I'm not giving up."
He looked down at her, giving her a small smile. He cupped the back of her head, pulling her in to kiss her forehead.
As he did so, he saw something behind her that grabbed his attention.
"You go back to the room, carry on researching on my laptop. I'll be back soon." He said, walking off before she got a chance to ask questions.

Sam staggered back into the exam room after ten or so minutes, the veins running up the sides of his face and over his temples.
"Sam!" Elizabeth gasped, running over to catch him before he fell.
As he struggled to keep his balance, Sam knocked a glass beaker off one of the sides, shattering it on the floor.
His gaze jolted all over the place as he gripped Elizabeth's shoulders for support. He shut his eyes tight, as though something were trying to escape him.
"You're fine. You're fine." He told himself over and over again.
"No, you're not, Sam." The Vampire sighed, throwing his arm over her shoulders to get him to a chair.
That chair was the one she'd previously been sat in, by his laptop.
He began to type something into the search engine, squinting as he struggled to keep focus on the screen.
"Biblical purification? What are you-" Elizabeth cut herself off when she remembered Billie's words. 'You're unclean – in the biblical sense.' "Oh my God... You've got it!"
"Get the duffel." Sam gasped for breath. "Get the Holy oil."
Elizabeth nodded, running over to grab the weapons bag and a bowl.
She brought it over to the laptop space, digging around in the bag for the Holy oil.
When she found it, Sam grabbed it, pouring some into the bowl. He then took some tongs from beside him and some gauze, dipping the fabric in the Holy oil as he reached into his pocket for his lighter. He lit the oil, watching it burn for a few seconds.
"Sam." Elizabeth said, putting her hand over his shaking one. "Let me."
He nodded, handing her the tongs.
"This is probably gunna hurt like Hell and I'm sorry in advance." She winced.
"Just do it." He panted, gripping the table in front of him until his knuckles went white.
The Vampire didn't even have to touch his skin with it. Holding it near was good enough.
The black veins began to glow a singed orange and slowly evaporated.
Sam cried out in agony, gasping and panting for air.
Elizabeth's eyes widened as she blew out the flame and dropped the gauze back into the bowl.
"You did it!" She grinned in disbelief. "You're a bloody genius, Sam Winchester."
He matched her expression, pulling her in for a kiss, hugging her body to his between his legs.
"Now we've just gotta cure the rest of the town." He breathed against her lips.
"Shouldn't be a problem." She smirked.

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