;30 pity

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may 10th, 1997.


"i want you."

"i know."


Violet looked at him frantically, Harry's hand clasped over her mouth. Please don't hurt me, Violet thought. She remembered the night at the hotel room, all the way back in the beginning of the fifth year, where Harry said he'd never hurt her. She thought about that a lot, she also thought about Matt saying the same thing. He felt her heart rate go up, and tears welling in her eyes. Then he realized why she was panicking.

He turned her around so they were face-to-face, "You have to be quiet, someone is up there." Then moved his hand away from her face. "I wasn't going to hurt you, you know that right?"

Violet nodded, he was holding her face again, softer this time, careful. She moved his hands so she could hear the conversation also. She had an overwhelming sense to kiss him. I often talk to myself, an echo of Dumbledore explaining himself to another person.

"He trusts me," A shaky voice yelled, and there was no denying who it was. "I was chosen." Draco Malfoy. Harry knew deep down that he was a part of it, that group, in some way, but the confirmation still came as a shock.

The rest of the conversation was a blur, Draco using some words Violet didn't understand. She didn't understand how severe this war was until now. She had to witness the headmaster of Hogwarts die to finally begin to worry. Harry listened very carefully, and eventually more people entered the platform. Bellatrix Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy, and Snape. They were all part of Voldemort's army. In a flash, Snape had muttered Avada Kederva, and Dumbledore was hit, Violet getting a glance of him falling before covering her mouth, muffling a sob.

Harry's mouth fell open, rage filling his eyes. He heard all the death eaters leave, flying to someplace else. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god..." Violet repeated, in a state of denial. "I've never seen someone die before, oh my god."

Harry didn't reply. He left the astronomy tower and left Violet by herself, alone.

When Sirius had been murdered, she hadn't seen that, she had just seen the tail end of it, but she was mostly focused on Harry at the time, and his reaction. Now, in this current situation, she didn't know what she was supposed to do. Scream? Run?

✧・゚: *✧

The service was the next week, in the great hall. Everyone went even parents, and guardians, including Diana. Harry and Violet began speaking to each other again. After this, everyone was on edge. Exams were canceled, and some people were thinking about leaving school. Violet still wasn't really over it, and she felt like she was being dramatic, not even knowing Dumbledore that well. She felt sad, not wanting to be herself anymore. Then she remember that Harry's only parental figure was dead, and feel guilty.

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