;17 moon song

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july 20th, 1996.


"did he hurt you?"



She woke up on the cold hard ground, limp and afraid. He knocked her out. He hit her. He had thrown her down the stairs. She blinked and saw Matt come into view. "No." She breathed out as he touched her face. She form a sentence, but she knew he did something unforgivable.

"Violet, you're okay," Matt reassured.

"You pushed me." She flatly said. Her ribcage felt bruised, and she assumed the thumping in her brain was from hitting the ground too hard.

"You fell, that's it." He said.

Violet's words became shaky out of fear, this boy she once thought was the best thing to ever happen to her is now her worst nightmare. "No, I didn't."

His grip on her face became tighter, slightly pinching her skin. "Yes, you did."

Tears bloomed in her eyes as she shook away, trying to back away from him. "Stop." She cried. "You're lying."

"Why would I lie to you?" He held her face even tighter.

"Matt, stop." She pushed his hands away but then he was pinning her to the floor as she whimpered and tried her best to escape.

She moved her hand around the floor, trying to grab something that would help her fight back. She grasped an object, and flung her hand up, hitting Matt in the head, and knocking him out.

Violet shuddered, looking up at the ceiling. Did she kill him? She shakily helped herself up off the floor and looked down at Matt, the top of his head was bleeding, but she checked his pulse and she was alive. "Fuck." Violet whispered, heading back up the stairs to pack her things.

Someone knocked on the door, and Violet's eyes went wide. "Matt! You in there?" she heard Nick's voice. Violet froze, then continued to fill her trunk back up until another knock and yell came from outside.

She went down the stairs, moving Matt's unconscious body to the bathroom, then walking back to open the door. "Hey, Nick." Violet smiled, she knew when to act like she had her shit together.

"Hey, Vee. Is uh, Matt home?" He asked, exhaling smoke.

"He went out," Violet lied. "I think he went to Jack's to get more weed or something."

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