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Trigger warning!!!
This chapter will contain a panic attack
If you dont like it or dont want to read it, dont.

Enrico POV

I'm walking through the hallway, in my way to transfiguration, when I hear someone shouting.
Its Ronald prewitt, and he sounds mad. Angry, even.
I stop and turn around. He is still shouting, and its scaring me. I start to panic. This is how uncle Vernon acted when I did something  bad.
Suddenly, a thousand thoughts swirl into my mind. What if I'm the reason he's mad? What did I do wrong? Is he going to hit me?
I cant breathe, I cant move, I cant see. I try to suck in air, but I cant. The room is spinning, my face and hands feel numb. The next thing I know, levi is in front of me.

Levi pov.

I'm walking to transfiguration,  when I see ronald and Ric. Ron is shouting, screaming. Ric is hyperventilating. I summon my patronus, a wolf, and send it to rics mates. I shout at ring, and he runs off. I run to ric and stand in front of him. I show him my hands, and talk in a whispered tone. "Ric, its okay. Your okay. Your safe, Vernon's not here. Your safe. It's only me here. Your mates are coming. Breather for me, bro, your okay. " I can see his breathing get slightly better.
"Ric, I need you to tell me 4 things you can see"
"The door, you, the floor, and the window"
"That's really good, I'm so proud of you. Can you tell me 3 things you can touch?"
"Your arm, my bag, my head"
"Your doing so well, keep going. 2 things you can hear"
" your voice, and people running"
"Good, now 1 thing you can smell"
"My mates"

Just then, his mates come running over. Art and luc run over to ric, and sev comes to talk to me.
"What happened?"
"I was walking to transfiguration and I heard screaming and shouting. It was Ronald prewitt. He was shouting at ric, I dont know what about. Ric was hyperventilating,  it looked like it had been happening awhile, because he was rocking back and forth. I yelled at ron, and he ran off. I dont know where he went, my priority was ric. I ran to ric and managed to calm him down with 4321. He's still struggling to breathe, though."
"Thankyou, levi. 100 points to hufflepuff"
I notice that ric looks calmer, and is cuddled up to luc and art.

Ric pov

As levi finishes 4321 with me, my mates come running in. Sev starts talking to levi, and luc and art run to me.
"Baby,  you okay? What happened?" Art asks.
"I dunno. Ron started yelling, I couldn't breathe. Next thing I know, levi is here and does 4321 with me, then Your here."
"We are so proud of you, baby. You did so well. We love you so much"
"Thankyou. I love you too"
They pull me into A hug, which I gladly accept. My breathing alot better, thanks to levi. I'm still shaken up, but I'm okay, for now.

harry's creature inheritanceWhere stories live. Discover now