coming into an inheritance

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AN- this is my first harry potter story, so I apologise if it's bad.

3RD POV- (at the Dursleys before 6th year)

It had been a typical summer at the Dursleys for harry. He had been doing chore after chore and receiving punishment after punishment. He hated being there, he missed Hogwarts. He missed his home.
The more he thought about Hogwarts, the bigger hole he felt inside. He had never felt completely at home with his friends, he felt there was something off about his parent's death. He just didn't know where that feeling had come from, or why it was there...

Harry's POV-

I was laying in my bed, which had been moved to the cupboard under the stairs, (since the Dursleys "didn't think I deserved my room") counting down the seconds until I turn 16. Glancing at my watch, I notice there are only 20 minutes left. As I wait, I start to think about the last punishment I received from my uncle Vernon.
As I pull out the last weed in aunt petunia's flower garden, I hear my uncle Vernon pulling Go to the drive of the house. I start to panic as I realise I haven't completed the list of chores he gave me this morning. " BOY!!" he screamed at me " GET YOUR FREAKISHNESS OVER HERE OR ELSE!!!". shaking, I go over to him, knowing that this beating is going to be a bad one.
Uncle Vernon takes off his belt and hits me with it all over my body until he is satisfied with the marks he has left all over me. "NOW MAKE MY DINNER BOY!!!" "yes, uncle Vernon"

End of flashback

I check my watch again, to see I have 30 seconds until my birthday.
20 seconds
15 seconds
You can leave soon, Harry
Happy birthday to m...
As soon as the clock hits 12, I feel a searing pain going down my back and across my head. I bite my tongue to stop myself from screaming. If I scream, I will wake up the Dursleys, and that won't end well on my behalf. The pain lasts for about 10 minutes, until I collapse on the cupboard floor.

I wake up after blacking out, feeling a massive migraine and back pain. I slowly get up and leave my cupboard, to make breakfast for my relatives. Passing the mirror In the hall, I notice I look different, like a whole new person. What once used to be short, messy hair, is now long, blue hair that reaches to the top of my legs. My eyes have changed from emerald green to this bright blue-grey, with a ring of purple in them. I have grown from 5 foot 3 to 6 foot 2. What I noticed next shocked me... I have cat ears and tail!!

Walking into the kitchen, I see an owl at the window. Letting her in, i take the letter from her foot, and start to read it.

The letter :-
Dear mr enrico Artemis riddle-black-snape.

It has come to our attention at gringotts bank that you have come into your creature inheritance.
We ask that you come to gringotts straight away, so that we can give you an inheritance test.
This letter is a portkey, just say the password "Neko" and you will be transported to Gringotts bank.
Many thanks,
Ragnok, head of Gringotts bank.

I decide to do as the letter says.
Going back to my cupboard, I pack everything into my school trunk and pocket my wand. Hedwig is already at Hogwarts, as uncle Vernon threatened to kill her if she ever came back.
I get dressed, into some if Dudley's humongous hand me downs, and walk into the front garden.
"Neko" I say, and am transported away...

harry's creature inheritanceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ