meeting bio parents

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Harry is now called Enrico

Enrico POV

I can't believe my eyes. My parents are my god-father Sirius and Voldemort, the person that's been trying to kill me for 15 years. And I have a twin. I turn to ragnok, asking if we can remove the blocks on me. "Of course, Mr riddle-black, follow me" "thank-you, sir".
I am led into a small, but cozy room. Ragnok tells me to lay down on the bed, and that I would feel a tingly sensation. After 45 minutes of changing, I am told the blocks on me are all off.
" sir ragnok, is there a way to contact my parents and mates please?" "Of course, Mr riddle-black, I'll send some letters"

Time skip brought to you by harry's smelly socks

After about half an hour wait, there was a knock on the door. "Enter". Turning towards the door, I see tom riddle with a man with long, wavy hair, who I'm assuming is Sirius. " what is it you needed to talk with us about, ragnok? This better be important..." Riddle snaps at ragnok. "Mr and Mr riddle-black, we have found your son, Enrico. He came to us after coming into his creature inheritance. "
"Our son! Our son is dead! Dumbledore killed him!" Sirius shouted
"He didn't kill me... I'm right here"
After hearing my small voice, my fathers turn their heads towards me. Seeing The papers on the table in front of me, they ask to see. I hand them my papers, hoping they believe that it's me. All I've ever wanted was a family. Someone to care for me. Someone to love me, hold me, make me feel safe. Now I had found my real parents, and I could have that. That is, if they wanted me....

My father (riddle) looks at me with tears in his eyes, and pulls me into a hug. I flinch, not being used to physical contact that wasn't violence. Pulling away, my father looks at me worriedly, "enrico, who were you before your inheritance, and why did you just flinch?"
"I was harry Potter, and i flinched, because the muggles that dumbledore placed me with abused me in more ways than one "...

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