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Warning- there will be spanking in this chapter. I will put a warning when it starts.

Enricos POV- 

I messed up. Big time. I started an argument with my twin, over our childhoods, then when my mates tried to separate us and calm us down, I shouted at sev, pushing him, calling him a " f*****g death eater".

I feel really bad. Not because I broke lots of rules, but because I upset my mate. I really regret what I said. I don't know why I did it. I was upset, angry, and i took it out on sev. I know I shouldn't have pushed him, or said what I did, and I really hope I didn't physically hurt him.

I turn on my stomach, just as I hear some one separating into the room. "Enrico?..." I hear luc and sev calling for me. I take a deep breath and tell them im in the bedroom. I know im about to get spanked. I deserve It, i hurt my mate.

Severus POV -

I walk in the bedroom with Lucius, seeing enricos laying face down on the bed. He turns his head towards us, and I can see by his face he regrets what he did. I understand he did it in anger, but he can't go unpunished. "Sev..." Ric starts... "Let me speak first. I know you feeling bad for what you did. I understand you only did it through anger, but violence and shouting do not solve anything. All violence is going to do, is make the situation worse. You didn't hurt me, but what you said upset me. I know you didn't mean it, but you need to think before you say things. Everything you say has an impact on people. Especially your mates. I'm sorry, ric, but you can't go unpunished". " I know..." I move to sit on the bed next to him. "Here's what im going to do. I'm going to leave you here for another 15 minutes on your own, so we can both calm down. Lucius is going to go back to get Arthur, who we left with your parents. Once I come back up, I am going to spank you. Am I understood?" "Yes, sir".

Enricos POV. 

I watch luc and sev leave, and I hear luc apparate. I feel a little calmer, now I know I didn't physically hurt sev, but I feel really bad for upsetting him. He's been nothing but nice to me, and I was nasty to him. After 15 minutes of me thing things through, sev comes back in.

Severus POV-

As I walk back in the room after 15 minutes of thinking, I see ric sitting on the bed, waiting for instruction. I go and sit next to him." okay, ric. I want you to take your trousers off and lay with your stomach on my legs, and your bum facing the ceiling" he does as I ask straight away. "Baby, why are you being punished?" "Because I took my anger out on you instead of calming down, and  I pushed you and called you names" "baby, i need you remember I love you, and im only doing this because because i need you to learn not to do it again. I'm not going to stop loving you just because you made a mistake, because everybody makes them. Once you have been punished you will be forgiven, and me and the other boys will give you lots of cuddles. Do you understand what im saying?" "Yes" "okay. I'm going to give you 15 over your pants, and 15 under. im only going to use my hand.  It's okay if you cry, I won't be mad. It's natural to cry during a spanking. I want you to count each one, okay?" "Okay".

Spanking starts now

I rub my hand over his covered bottom, to show him I was about to start. I then landed the first smack. " o-one" he said, voice shaking slightly. I spanked him again, and again, until I got to the first 15, ric counted every one. I rubbed his bum, to show him the first part was done, the pulled the back of his undies down, just enough to see his bum , so I could continue spanking him. I rubed his bum again, to let him know i was starting, and placed the first bare smack. Ric started crying at this point. Bare spanks hurt a lot more than clothed ones. Once I have given him 15 bare spanks, ric is crying uncontrollably.  I pull his undies back up, and pull him into a hug. " hey, it's okay, your punishments over, your forgiven. It's okay, baby. It's okay..." I whisper sweet nothings into his ear, until his breathing evens out, and I send a patrons to luc to bring Arthur up for cuddles. Once they get upstairs, we all cuddle enricos. I keep whispering to him, telling him how brave he was, and how much in love him. I kissed his forehead, as he apologised for the 10th time. "It's okay baby. Your not in trouble anymore. Youve been punished...."

Enricos POV. 

Well, that hurt. But I feel better knowing that it's over, and im forgiven I still need to apologise to levi, for what I said to them, but ill wait for them to calm down first...

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