lashing out

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Arthur pov- 

I'm mad. so mad. Enrico is such an annoying brat. I mean, why did he pick me? out of all of the others, he had to pick me? had to prank me and scare me senseless? 


I wake up, get out of bed, and do my daily routine. when I go to brush my teeth, the toothpaste turns my teeth green. my shampoo turns my hair blue, and my soap turns my body orange. then, I see a body on the floor of the living room, just laying there, making no noise. I panic and run over before  I notice it's fake. I hear Enrico laugh and runoff. I run off after him...

end flashback...

I catch up to him, and send a glare his way. "what the hell!?! I thought you were hurt!  I thought you were dead! that wasn't funny! "

"lighten up, babe, you've pranked me many times"

"Not like that!"

I freaked out. I hit him. hard. in the leg.

realizing what I did, I ran off. scared of what would happen. seeing Luc and sev walking up the hall looking for us, I told them where ric was and kept walking. I knew I was in trouble. I've never hit someone before, let alone my pregnant mate. 

time skip (10 minutes later)

 They her my mates calling me into the bedroom. when they walked into the quarters with ric, they did not look happy. at all. 

I know I shouldn't have hit him, he played a harmless prank, I should have just laughed it off., and now I've hurt ric. 

I start walking into the bedroom, taking a deep breath as I see my doms, with ric curled up to sev, crying. 

Luc stands up, and walks over to me, looking angry. "what. happened." 

"When I was going to do my daily routine, I go to brush my teeth, the toothpaste turns my teeth green. when I tried to shower, my shampoo turns my hair blue, and my soap turns my body orange. then, I see a body on the floor of the living room, just laying there, making no noise. it looked like Enrico. I panicked and ran over before I notice its fake. I hear Enrico laugh and runoff. I got mad and ran off after him.... when I caught up to him, he was laughing and I got more mad. I yelled at him, he tried to tell me to calm down, and I hit him in the leg." 

"what Enrico did wasn't fair, and he knows that. he's been punished for it. but it was a prank. you should have come to us. told one of us, instead of lashing out. you both know better than to freak each other out. you're both pregnant. you cant stress each other out, especially this early. I want you to look at me. I know your regret it, but you cant go unpunished. you were violent to your mate. The last time ric was, he ended up with a red butt. "

"I know"

"here's what's going to happen, me and sev are going to leave for a few minutes to calm down. rics going to the spare room to rest. you're going to stay in here and think about what you did, what went wrong, and what you can do next time. then, me and sev are coming back in to spank you. am i understood?"


they left, with ric looking at me, upset. 

15 minuets later...

i thought alot. i feel so bad for hitting ric. he did not deserve that. the prank scared me, but it was just a prank. i should not have hit him, and im ready to take my punishment. 

luc and sev walk back in, sev sits to my left, luc to my right. 

sev starts to speak

"this is whats going to happen. we want you to take your trousers off and lay with your stomach on our legs, with your butt facing the ceiling (im taking this from the previous punishment, so its easier)     "

i did as i was told, laying across both of their laps, trouserless.

(skipping to after the punishment, but he got 35 from each mate)

"you took that really well, baby, but you still have to appoligise to ric"

"i know... is his leg okay?"

"his legs fine, just bruised. but it did upset him. you know what his relatives did to him, you know the emotional toll that has had on him lately. "

"can i go see him?"

"yeah, knock first, if he asks you to leave, do so. he might not be ready to talk yet. "

i walked upto the spare room, and knocked. 

"who is it?"


"you can come in"

i walk in. ric is sitting on the bed, his datda book in his hands.

"im really sorry i hit you. i have no excuse, i should have calmed down like you told me, and we could have talked it through.  it was a prank, and i shouldnt have hurt you over it, and im so sorry i did. is there any way i can make it up to you?" 

"im sorry too. i should have thought about how the prank would have effected you before i did it. ill change you back to normal. i forgive you, douche bag. come gimme hug. "

i walked over and hugged him, hearing sev and luc come into the room., and laying sext to us, cuddling into us both. 

DISCLAIMER!!! i do not condone (is that the right word?) violence of any kind. if your partner is hurting you continuinly, get help. im only adding this in because i needed art to misbehave, to show he isnt perfect. 

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