a letter from hogwarts

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Most of these chapters will be enricos POV. I will still say this POV, but if I don't, it's price.

Enrico POV-
My dad hands me the letter, then walks out, after saying that dinner will be done in an hour.
Sitting up, I look at the letter, noticing the Hogwarts seal on the back, sealing it closed. "It's not time for Hogwarts letters yet, is it?" I asked Severus.
"No, letters get sent out halfway through August"
Confused, I open the envelope and pull out the letter, reading it aloud for my mates.

The letter-

To all Hogwarts students -
The staff at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry ask that you attend a compulsory resorting and classification/inheritance check at Hogwarts on the 1stof August. The sorting hat will resort, classify, and tell us of any creature inheritances. If there is a genuine reason you cannot come, notify a staff member immediately by owl, and we shall do it on another day. You need not bring anything, other than your wand. Lunch will be provided when you arrive, and you may leave as soon as you have been classified.
We will see you on the 1st of August.
The staff at Hogwarts

End of letter

"I forgot about that" sev chuckles. "It's only the sorting hat. The ministry made it compulsory, starting this year, so students like yourselves aren't placed with bad families. "
"Speaking of families," Luc starts "how were the Dursleys? Did they treat you right?"

"The Dursleys hated magic. The moment they realised I would be magical, they started treating me like I was dung under their shoes. The cupboard under the stairs was my bedroom until u left this morning, They beat me, starved me, and treated me like a house-elf. If a chore wasn't done properly, they would punish me by beating me and throwing me in my cupboard. Dudley, my cousin, used to play this game called harry hunting. They would chase me, then beat me when they caught up with me. "

They look at me, shocked, unsure what to say, until Arthur leans into my shoulder, hugging me. "I'm sorry, ric, I should have noticed the signs" Arthur looks at me, a tear in his eye.
"It's not your fault. It's none of your faults, the only person to blame is my uncle." I put my arm around Arthur, and snuggle into Luc, who has put his arm around sev. "Is that what you had that panic attack in Gringotts today? Because of what your uncle and cousin did?" "Yeah, I suffer from severe anxiety and PTSD"

Time skip- (AN- I have decided to add a new character in, of my creation. They will be the only thing in this story I own. )

After dinner, I and my mates decide to head back to bed and get some more sleep. I cuddle in between sev and Arthur, Luc laying Arthur's other side.
( they already talked about the whole mate thing, and know each other better, im just too lazy to add that conversation in)

I snuggle into sev more, and drift off to sleep, thinking about the resorting and classification tomorrow....

harry's creature inheritanceWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt