authors note- mates, families and other notes

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Mates -
This is the list of all the mates / couples that will be in the next few chapters.
Sirius (sub) + tom (dom)
Hermione (sub) + blaise (dom)
Ron (sub) + luna (dom) (I changed it from cho to luna)
Ginny (dom) + seamus (sub)
Fred (dom) + cedric (sub)
George (dom) + remus (dom) + leviathen (sub)
Enrico (sub) + Arthur (sub) + Lucius (dom) + severus (dom)
Bill (dom) + fleur (sub)
Charlie (sub) + tonks (dom)
Percy (dom) + Oliver (sub)

Malfoys- draco and lucius ( narcissa was divorced)
Weasleys- Arthur, bill, Charlie, free, George
Lestranges- Hermione, Bellatrix, luna, rabastian
Prewitts- molly, percy,, ron, ginny
Riddle-blacks- sirius, enrico, tom, leviathen, (possibly support dog for enrico)

- lucius and narcissa, and molly and Arthur had illegal marriage + love potions that are now thanks and void, both men are now single and looking for their mate/s
- sub = submissive
Subs can go into subspace and have 1 heat per month. They can also become pregnant.
- dom = dominant
Dom's have ruts once per month, and mark their submissive with their scent to keep them and their children safe.
- male pregnancy lasts 8 months ( in this story) and can result in twins/ triplets. C section is the only birth option in mpreg.

Classification key -
S- sub
D- dom
Mp - male pregnancy

Authors notes-
I just want to clarify that I do not own harry potter, only the ideas that I have used for this story.
Any ideas for dog names are greatly appreciated

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