"I want to go home." Meredith says.

"Okay, can we do the procedure now?" Christopher asks her. She hesitates and then nods.

"Carolyn can still hold you but I need to see your face sweetie." Christopher says.

Carolyn gets Meredith into the position she needs to be in for the procedure while still holding onto her. Nurse Debbie has just returned with fresh supplies for Dr Shepherd to use.

Dr Shepherd starts the procedure and after a few minutes he is all done. Meredith has tears running down her face. She is holding Puppy to her.

"Okay, let's get you ready to come home with us!" Carolyn says excitedly.

"I'm going to go get her discharge paperwork. I'll be right back." Dr Shepherd leaves the room. He gets the discharge paperwork, has Ellis sign them, and then comes back.

Ellis is too busy as usual so Meredith goes home with the Shepherds. They will be watching her for a few days. They had purchased a new bed for her and put it in Amelia's room. They also made some accommodations to their house such as a bar next to the toilet that she can hold on to if needed. They knew that Meredith would be spending a lot of time at their house so they wanted to make sure it would be safe for her.

The Shepherds bring Meredith back to their house and settle her in. She is using the new crutches but absolutely hates them. She doesn't like how they feel. She feels so weird having to use them.

Meredith lays in her bed in Amelia's room feeling sad. She doesn't want to play or do anything. She wants her mommy to make her feel better. She doesn't want to be sick. She feels so different than Amelia, Derek, and Mark. They don't have to go through what she's going through. They don't have to be in constant pain or have procedures done on them or have a tube feeding them.

Meredith cries softly to herself. "I want my Mommy." She cries softly. "Mommy make me better please." She whispers.

Derek and Mark are walking to Derek's room and see Meredith laying in bed crying and looking sad. As her unofficial brothers, they feel like it's their duty to make her feel better. She's like a sister to them and they don't want her to be sad.

"Is she crying?" Mark says softly to Derek.

"I think so. Let's go check on her Mark."

The two boys walk into the room. They see her crutches propped up next to the bed. Meredith sees them but doesn't say a word. She just closes her eyes and turns her body away from them. She just wants to be alone.

"Mer, what's wrong?" Derek asks her.

No answer from Meredith.

"Should I go get your mom?" Mark asks.

Derek shakes his head. They both hear a tiny voice. "Wanna be alone."

"Come play with us Mer! It'll make you feel better." Derek says.

"No! Wanna stay with Puppy." She sobs. "Want my mommy!"

"I'm gonna go get your mom Derek. She's really upset." Mark says. Derek sighs and nods.

Mark goes to find Carolyn. He's really worried about Meredith. He finds Carolyn in the kitchen preparing dinner.

"Carolyn?" Mark says.

"Hey Mark. Everything okay bud?" Carolyn asks him.

"Meredith is really upset. Derek and I are trying to talk to her and get her to play with us but she won't. She's sobbing in her bed and wants her mom." Mark says with a frown on his face. "I don't like seeing her upset."

"Me either Mark, me either. I'll go and try to talk to her." Carolyn says.

As they get to the living room, they hear Meredith's sobs get louder. Amelia is sitting in the living room with a frown on her face. "Mommy, what's wrong with Mer? Why's she sad?"

"She misses her Mommy Amelia. And she's dealing with a newly diagnosed illness right now. It's not easy being your age and having to deal with that sweetie. She'll be okay, it'll just take some time for her to get used to everything." Carolyn says. "I need to go check on Meredith now sweetie okay? Try not to worry too much about it. Everything will be just fine."

Amelia nods and continues playing with her dolls.

Carolyn enters the room and sees Derek trying to comfort Meredith but not being successful.

"I got her Der, thanks bud." Carolyn says softly. She kisses him on the forehead.

Derek nods and goes to join Mark in the living room.

"Baby girl, shhh, I'm here." Carolyn says, stroking the top of Meredith's head.

"Want mommy." Meredith cries.

"I know sweetie, I know."

"Everything hurts! And I'm so different from everyone!" She sobs.

"You're still the same Meredith Grey sweetie. You have a new illness but you're still the same exact girl I know. This new illness doesn't define who you are baby. You will be okay."

"I don't like the feeding tube! It feels weird!" Meredith sobs.

"You'll get used to that, I promise sweet girl." Carolyn holds Meredith in her arms, rocking her back and forth.

"When do I go home to Mommy?" She sobs.

"In a few days baby girl. We'll take good care of you sweetie. I know you miss your mommy." Carolyn gives her a kiss on her forehead. "You will always be a part of our family Mer. I promise we will always look out for you. We will help you get used to your new diagnosis. Everything will be okay, I promise you that."

She whispers comforting things to Meredith for a while and eventually Meredith falls asleep in her arms.


Five days have passed and finally Ellis arrives to pick Meredith up.

Meredith sees her and gets super excited. "Mommy!!!!" She yells excitedly.

"Hi Meredith, great news! I've got you into this clinical trial at Seattle Pres.

We hope you liked! Thanks to my co-writer _Ktje_

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