First Day in Los Santos

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The Young long brown-haired female woke up from the airplane landing in the new city that she moved to from England. This was her new start, for a better life, or so she thought... she got off the plane as the heat from the sun was touching her smooth soft skin. The young female wearing leggings and a crop top and white Nike trainers and sunglasses. She grabbed her luggage and checked her phone scrolling through twatter.

'Hmm... what should I post?' She thought to herself as she bites her bottom lip in thought before she twats out

@Ryder_Madilynn: Hi c:

The young female smiles softly after she finished posting on twatter, she looked on her phone as she looked for a taxi number before calling hoping the person from other side will pick up. The was a couple of rings before someone answered the phone "hello, this is Abdul's taxi service how can I help you?" The person on the other side spoke happily, the female smiled "hello, uh I would like a pick up from the airport please?" She spoke up calmly "Ry. you're here?" the voice replied excitedly, "Duh! I told you I'm going to come here" the young female replied before ending the call.

The young female long brown hair blows slightly in the wind as she was waiting patiently for the taxi to arrive at the airport. Few minutes later a yellow taxi arrives. "Hello, you called for a taxi?" The driver smirked as the female laughed slightly rolling her eyes "I sure did, Sir" the female spoke up teasingly as she entered the taxi with her suitcase. "Well welcome to Los Santos. Ryder" the driver spoke as he started driving away from the airport into the city.

"Thank you, Tommy Tate," the female smiles looking at her best friend as he drives away from the airport.


Ryder woke up from her slumber as she was lazy enough to get out of bed even though she wanted to, she rolled over to check the time gasping slightly as she fell out of bed causing a thud. As she heard a familiar voice running into her bedroom "Ry. be careful" the voice said as she rolls her grey eyes "I'm fine Adam, I can take care of myself" she replies awkwardly at him as she sees Adam biting his lip sighing before leaving her bedroom. She finally gets the courage to get up from the floor dragging her feet across the floor.

She walked towards the kitchen opening the fridge biting her bottom lip of thinking what to eat as she noticed an arm reaching into the fridge and grabbing the orange juice carton. The young messy brown-haired female looked up to see a sleepy but happy Tommy as he pours two glasses of orange juice as she gasped, her heart pounds out of her chest as wraps her arms around the older male "your back" she replies excitedly as she felt him let out sigh. "Of course," he smiles wrapping his arms around her waist "you missed a lot" I half smiled as he sighed shaking his head "don't tell me about it" he spoke as he picked up his glass and sipping his orange juice, as she sighs leaning against the counter looking up at the tall male as she sips her orange juice as he reads his phone raising her eyebrows.

"We are at war!!" Looks up at the younger female not looking happy as the female nodded slowly before sighing "yup. we are.." she shakes her head as she puts her glass down and walks to the older taller male "it's over stupid stuff again." she replies rolling her eyes, as he looks down at her listening in. "Not surprised... who with?" he spoke up as he clears his throat.

"Chang Gang" The young female replied.

The Older Male sighed; He shakes his head before looking at the younger female deeply into her grey eyes "so. do you wanna talk about what happened. Between us ...?" He suddenly speaks Ryder had a flashback from all the event's that has happened.

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