Parallel Freedom

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"Yagami Takuyoa please come to the come office rest room, I repeat Yagami Takuya please come to office rest room." The voice box let out an announcement calling for me.

How annoying. I wonder what they called me here for. I don't remember dong anything that would get me called to the office.

I felt everybody staring at my back. This is really annoying. That loli looked at me  with a curious expression, but also that smug grin she carries everywhere.

I got up from my seat and headed towards the door. They stared holes into my back.

"Oya? Class A's leader getting called to the office. I wonder what you did. What if we lost points because of you." I tried heading to the door fast but she had to run her mouth. She can get surprisingly irritating.

"I don't know what they called me for, Sakayanagi-san." I responded with the same sweet tone that I have been using all this. 

I walked out the door and headed towards the door.

With the help from one of the instructors, I escaped the whiteroom. She helped me enroll into this School. She helped me attain freedom.

Advanced Nurturing High School. One of the most, if not the most renoun school in Japan. It is most known for its 100% percent employment rate. Though that's only true to an extent.

Something hidden from the public is the way the school runs. To put it simply, there is a battle between classes for points. The class that comes out victorious gets a Job garenteed. Using my knowledge,power and various other skills obtained I became the leader of class A, the best class. At first there was a a three way split in our class.  

Three students including me had wanted leadership in our class. In the end I won. Though that loli sure was irritating. For someone who wasn't raised in the white room, she is extremely smart, cunning and whatever else.

I keep on a this facade of being the kind boy who wants the best for everybody. I am just testing myself against the 'elites'. Though, there are some really impressive people here in this school.

Both the president and vice president of the student council are extremely interesting. The president is leaving in about four months. Currently I wouldn't dare make an enemy of the vice president. It's not his power that's impressive. He basically has his entire year of students with him. His influence even stretched to some third and 1st years. His methods are quite cruel sometimes and there are even rumors that he raped some girls who did agree to date him. Though that's not something I can 100% confirm. The way he looks at Ichinose just adds a bit more suspicion

Currently I finally got the class under my lead from sakayanagi. It's not like she will stay put but she agreed to stop for the time being.

A what I reached the rest room, I looked around. Seeing that nobody was there I just sat down on an unoccupied couch. I sat there for about a few moments before I noticed the Schools chair man rushing to me. He had sweat all over his face.

"Please follow me to my office." He spoke in haggard manner. He had fear written all over his face. I could already take a guess as to what was happening so I just my mouth shut. I felt my hands hurt. I looked down and saw that I had unconsciously clenched them. 

Was this really how it would end.

"Tch" he must have noticed because he slowed down. Taking out a napkin and wiping his face. He let in and out deep breaths before calming down before finally calming.

"I am sure you have an idea of what's going on but please don't worry." He stopped talking for a moment, catching his breath. Now he got me curious. He stopped me in the middle of my thoughts by carrying on.

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